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September 2020

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5. nov. 2020

Webinar for forskningsorganisasjoner

10. nov. 2020

Webinar for universiteter og høgskoler

12. nov. 2020

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November 2020

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16. des. 2020

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13. jan. 2021

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10. feb. 2021


1. jul. 2021

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30. nov. 2027

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Formålet er fornyelse og utvikling i forskningen som kan bidra til å flytte den internasjonale forskningsfronten. Utlysningen retter seg derfor mot forskere som har vist evne til å utføre forskning av høy vitenskapelig kvalitet. Utlysningen er åpen for søknader innenfor alle fag- og forskningsområder.

Om søknadsresultatene

Søkt beløp
Kr 17 914 500 000
Tildelte midler
Kr 2 167 900 000
Mottatte søknader
Innvilgede søknader
Innvilgede søknader
Søkt beløp
325665SAMFUNNS- OG NÆRINGSLIVSFORSKNING ASWinners and losers in the climate casino: Arctic marine resources under climate changeN/AN/A20.09.2021
324159SAMFUNNS- OG NÆRINGSLIVSFORSKNING ASBiological and Economic STrategies for sustainable Ecosystem-services and ManagemenT (BESTEMT)N/AN/A20.09.2021
325589NTNU VITENSKAPSMUSEETColdRein: Palaeo-genomics to reconstruct the evolutionary responses of endemic high-arctic reindeer to past environmental changeN/AN/A20.09.2021
325560FAKULTET FOR LÆRERUTDANNING OG PEDAGOGIKKNon-formal faith education, the public school, and religious minorities in NorwayN/AN/A20.09.2021
325195HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTETSex determination in a heterochiasmy setting - functional studies in Atlantic halibut and European plaiceN/AN/A20.09.2021
324962Institutt for litteratur, områdestudier og europeiske språkMULTIWRITE - Interactions Between First, Second and Third LanguagesN/AN/A20.09.2021
324758Institutt for estetiske fagMaker-Centered Learning: cultivating creativity in tomorrow’s schoolsN/AN/A20.09.2021
324318NTNU DET HUMANISTISKE FAKULTETCross-linguistic influence in multilingual acquisitionN/AN/A20.09.2021
326088Dept. of Education, University of OsloAcademic Hospitality in Interdisciplinary EducationN/AN/A20.09.2021
325238INSTITUTT FOR FREDSFORSKNINGRed Lines and Grey Zones: Exploring the Ethics of Humanitarian NegotiationN/AN/A20.09.2021
325654METEOROLOGISK INSTITUTTWave-mediated atmosphere-ocean-sea-ice interactions and their climatic impacts in the Nordic Seas and eastern ArcticN/AN/A25.06.2021
326410SINTEF ASEnabling large-scale carbon capture, storage and utilizationN/AN/A24.06.2021
326400NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)TraWel: Applying transmission model techniques and biosensor data to improve animal health and welfare in Norwegian dairy herdsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325960NORCE Samfunn/Helse VESTLANDDoes the nationality of CO2 matter? Public perceptions of a Northern European market for CO2 storage (CCSMARKET)N/AN/A24.06.2021
325403STIFTELSEN RURALIS INSTITUTT FOR RURAL- OG REGIONALFORSKNINGSYNAGRI: Developing synergies between the bioeconomy and regional food systems for a sustainable futureN/AN/A24.06.2021
325113Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikkNorwegian Participation in Euclid: Early Post-Launch PhaseN/AN/A24.06.2021
324892Frisch Center, Oslo, NorwayDeveloping value chains for CO2 storage and blue hydrogen in Europe (Device)N/AN/A24.06.2021
324718Sosiologisk instituttAdmission Impossible? School Choice in European CitiesN/AN/A24.06.2021
326537Institutt for informatikkSymbolic Algorithms: A Parameterized ApproachN/AN/A24.06.2021
326300UNIVERSITETET I BERGENAnimal Model for evaluation of Innovative immunotherapy DEsigns - (AMIDE)N/AN/A24.06.2021
326030NTNU DET HUMANISTISKE FAKULTETWomen, Opera and the Public Stage in Eighteenth-Century VeniceN/AN/A24.06.2021
325748NORCE Teknologi/Energi AGDERNext Generation 3D Machine Vision with Embedded Visual ComputingN/AN/A24.06.2021
325731UNIVERSITETET I BERGENBond Activation and Catalysis through Solid Frustrated Lewis PairsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325714Fysisk instituttNuclear shapes and resonancesN/AN/A24.06.2021
325671NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)How is epigenetic memory induced in embryos and maintained year after year in long-lived plants?N/AN/A24.06.2021
325573Senter for materialvitenskap og nanoteknologiQUantum emitters in semiconductors for future TEchnologiesN/AN/A24.06.2021
325528Norsk senter for molekylærmedisin (NCMM)Determining the Molecular Architecture of Centromeric ChromatinN/AN/A24.06.2021
325527NIKU OSLOViking Nativity: Gjellestad Across BordersN/AN/A24.06.2021
325437HANDELSHØYSKOLEN VED UIADigCBA: Responsible Use of Digital Cash-based Assistance in Refugee CrisesN/AN/A24.06.2021
325316Senter for materialvitenskap og nanoteknologiBattery Signal Selection and Enhancement ToolboxN/AN/A24.06.2021
325279SINTEF ASSolid state cooling with elastocaloric materials (Cool'em)N/AN/A24.06.2021
325190NMBU VeterinærhøgskolenDevelopment of fully functional, species-specific nicotinic acetylcholine receptor models from arthropodsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325159FAKULTET FOR BIOVITENSKAP, FISKERI OG ØKONOMINovel mechanisms for cell-to-cell communication in fishN/AN/A24.06.2021
324997INSTITUTT FOR FREDSFORSKNINGDISARM: How post-accord disarmament affects peace and conflict dynamicsN/AN/A24.06.2021
324885CHR MICHELSENS INSTITUTT FOR VIDENSKAP OG ÅNDSFRIHETPoverty reduction, norms, and vulnerability to gender-based violence: Assessing causal relations and mechanismsN/AN/A24.06.2021
324863Institutt for matematikk og fysikk – Universitet i StavangerPhonon lifetimes; unifying inelastic neutron scattering measurements with first-principle calculationsN/AN/A24.06.2021
324793Institutt for sosialantropologiSeatime: How Climate Change Transforms Human-Marine Temporalities (SEATIME)N/AN/A24.06.2021
324668Sosialantropologisk instituttEpidemic traces. Remains of infectious disease control in Africa, and how they shape future health.N/AN/A24.06.2021
324628NORSK UTENRIKSPOLITISK INSTITUTTUnderstanding Oil Producers' Responses to the Renewable Energy Transition (OPRET)N/AN/A24.06.2021
324182CICERO SENTER FOR KLIMAFORSKNINGClimate implications of rapid changes in Asian Anthropogenic Aerosol emissions: Temperature, Hydrological cycle and variabilitYN/AN/A24.06.2021
324139Institutt for kjemiSynchrotron-Assisted Design of Cancer PhototherapeuticsN/AN/A24.06.2021
326267VETERINÆRINSTITUTTETImproving implementation and operation of a One Health platform to combat rabies in MalawiN/AN/A24.06.2021
326107Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisinImplementing Post-discharge Malaria Chemoprevention (PMC) to reduce child mortality and morbidity among children with severe anaemiaN/AN/A24.06.2021
326026Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske språkThe Afterlives of Natural HistoryN/AN/A24.06.2021
325985Institutt for informatikkBuilding equity in digital global health: the case of antimicrobial resistance in low- and lower-middle-income countriesN/AN/A24.06.2021
325968HØGSKOLEN I INNLANDETAnimal welfare, behaviour, health and sustainability – the effects of feeding on reindeer and reindeer herdingN/AN/A24.06.2021
325663VETERINÆRINSTITUTTETCalfComfort: Nurturing positive welfare in calvesN/AN/A24.06.2021
325476FOLKEHELSEINSTITUTTETmHEALTH-INNOVATE: exploring healthcare workers’ informal and innovative uses of mobile phone messaging in LMICsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325442FORSKNINGSSTIFTELSEN FAFOWorkers’ voice and the right to manage – the case of whistleblowing in a comparative contextN/AN/A24.06.2021
325440UNIVERSITETET I BERGENClimate response to a Bluer Arctic with increased newly-formed winter Sea ICe (BASIC)N/AN/A24.06.2021
325333NORCE Miljø/Klima VESTLANDAbrupt Arctic Climate ChangeN/AN/A24.06.2021
325270CICEROConstraining future precipitation changes in Europe and the Arctic from historical observations of the atmospheric energy budgetN/AN/A24.06.2021
325253NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIQuantifying climate and land use effects on continental-scale coupling of water and carbon cyclesN/AN/A24.06.2021
324839Institutt for økonomi, markedsføring og jusRemote work for all: Implications of motivation and job recovery for work-related health and performance in the context of home-officeN/AN/A24.06.2021
324690Institutt for arkeologi, historie, kultur- og religionsvitenskapGardening the Globe: Historicizing the Anthropocene through the production of socio-nature in Scandinavia, 1750-2020N/AN/A24.06.2021
324379NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET NTNUChemosensory pathways underlying oviposition behavior in the pest insect, Helicoverpa armigera - peripheral and central mechanismsN/AN/A24.06.2021
324287NORCE Miljø/Klima VESTLANDLate Quaternary Antarctic cryosphere interactionsN/AN/A24.06.2021
324081UNIVERSITETET I BERGENBias Attribution Linking Moist Dynamics of Cyclones and Storm TracksN/AN/A24.06.2021
323939NOFIMA ASChicken Health: Preventing wooden breast by identifying and editing regulators of severe chicken myopathyN/AN/A24.06.2021
326407HELSE BERGEN HFControversies in Psychiatry: Coercive measures and medicationN/AN/A24.06.2021
325977FOLKEHELSEINSTITUTTETImproving Services’ Proactive Efforts: The Impact of Covid-19 and Vulnerability on Exclusion from Health and WelfareN/AN/A24.06.2021
324959Institutt for helsevitenskap i GjøvikVariations in trajectories, utilisation and costs in Norwegian municipal in-patient acute care unitsN/AN/A24.06.2021
324915OSLOMET - STORBYUNIVERSITETETApplying Artificial Intelligence in Developing Personalized and Sustainable Healthcare for Spinal Disorders (AID-Spine, part I)N/AN/A24.06.2021
324274OSLO UNIVERSITETSSYKEHUS HFLong-term health effects of COVID-19 - the Norwegian Corona CohortN/AN/A24.06.2021
326530Institutt for medisinsk biologiExploring the transformation potential of haematopoietic stem cells under niche pressure, and its therapeutic targeting.N/AN/A24.06.2021
326513UNIVERSITETET I BERGENEngineering NK cells for improved functionality in immunotherapyN/AN/A24.06.2021
326419STATISTISK SENTRALBYRÅNorway’s experience of and response to the coronavirus pandemicN/AN/A24.06.2021
326350Psykologisk instituttCauses, consequences, and life-course trajectories of personality pathology - a longitudinal extended children-of-twins studyN/AN/A24.06.2021
326348Klinisk institutt 2Deciphering Heterogeneity to provide treatment for metastatic Endometrial cancersN/AN/A24.06.2021
326301NTNU SAMFUNNSFORSKNING ASWater, Sewage, and Health (WaSH)N/AN/A24.06.2021
326291STATENS ARBEIDSMILJØINSTITUTTNight work, season and sleepiness as occupational safety hazards in the Northern AreasN/AN/A24.06.2021
326281UNIVERSITETET I BERGENSafe Hydrogen Implementation: Pre-normative research for ShipsN/AN/A24.06.2021
326269PluriCourts - Senter for forskning om internasjonale domstolers legitiCompliance Politics and International Investment DisputesN/AN/A24.06.2021
326245NTNU DET HUMANISTISKE FAKULTETAt the Crossroad between Green and Black: The role of Oil & Gas in Norwegian Sustainability Transition Research & InnovationN/AN/A24.06.2021
326215Institutt for filosofi og førstesemesterstudierAdvancing Causal Modeling with Coincidence AnalysisN/AN/A24.06.2021
326210UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITETDisinformation and people: Impacts on societal trust and resilienceN/AN/A24.06.2021
326136Velferdsforskningsinstitutt NOVA, Senter for Velferds- og Arbeidslivsforskning (SVA), OSLOMET - STORBYUNIVERSITETETCrisis Management in a Polycentric Nordic Local Democracy: Different Governance Structures - Different Results?N/AN/A24.06.2021
326033NORCE Samfunn/Helse VESTLANDMedia poverty: media use and citizenship in conditions of deprivationN/AN/A24.06.2021
326000HANDELSHØGSKOLEN VED UISEconomic crisis and the allocation of capital and labourN/AN/A24.06.2021
325997CHR MICHELSENS INSTITUTT FOR VIDENSKAP OG ÅNDSFRIHETRights Activism under Political Uncertainty (RightAct)N/AN/A24.06.2021
325976NTNU SAMFUNNSFORSKNING ASConceptualizing and Understanding Resistance against Energy Policy and Technology.N/AN/A24.06.2021
325892Institutt for medisinske basalfagIntegration of spatial and social memory in hippocampus CA2 and medial entorhinal cortexN/AN/A24.06.2021
325883UNIVERSITETET I BERGENMitochondria transfer in malignant brain tumorsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325878UNIVERSITETET I OSLODoes sleep duration affect the brain?N/AN/A24.06.2021
325873Institutt for materialteknologiRevolutionizing Green Hydrogen Production with Next Generation PEM Water Electrolyser ElectrodesN/AN/A24.06.2021
325869UNIVERSITETET I OSLOCell-based therapy for inherited bleeding disordersN/AN/A24.06.2021
325862HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTETComputer vision to expand monitoring and accelerate assessment of coastal fishN/AN/A24.06.2021
325849UNIVERSITETET I BERGENEffects of antifouling copper coating in aquaculture – implications for fish health, performance and sustainability of productionN/AN/A24.06.2021
325840NORCE Miljø/Klima VESTLANDImpact of Climate-driven habitat LOss in Norwegian fjords on ecosystem STructure and functional ecology of cartilaginous fishes (LOST)N/AN/A24.06.2021
325836INSTITUTT FOR FREDSFORSKNINGLegacy of Racial ViolenceN/AN/A24.06.2021
325770NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Revealing effects of starvation and oxidative stress on denitrifying bacteria: a basis for novel N2O mitigation and industrial applicationsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325741UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITETNanoscale artificial intelligence in microscopy and nanoscopy for life sciences (*NanoAI)N/AN/A24.06.2021
325720NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)The extent of tax haven use and its consequencesN/AN/A24.06.2021
325646FAFO INSTITUTT FOR ARBEIDSLIVS- OG VELFERDSFORSKNING ASWork and Health in Old Age - For whom is continued work beneficial to health?N/AN/A24.06.2021
325640Institutt for klinisk medisinDeveloping and Applying New Statistical Models to Test for Transgenerational Effects of Environmental Exposures in PregnancyN/AN/A24.06.2021
325586INSTITUTT FOR FREDSFORSKNINGPeace Positive Private Sector Development in Africa (P3A)N/AN/A24.06.2021
325566NORGES HANDELSHØYSKOLEIntra-household resource allocation and targeted transfersN/AN/A24.06.2021
325550FAFO INSTITUTT FOR ARBEIDSLIVS- OG VELFERDSFORSKNING ASTrust among refugees. The impact of welfare state institutionsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325549OSLO UNIVERSITETSSYKEHUS HFEpitranscriptomic regulation and genome stability in meiosis and the preimplantation embryoN/AN/A24.06.2021
325506UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITETArctic Auditories – Hydrospheres in the High NorthN/AN/A24.06.2021
325446Institutt for medisinsk biologiPack a pill in a PACA: PACA nanomedicines for targeting age-related changes in liver endothelium to prevent age-related diseasesN/AN/A24.06.2021
325435University of OsloMultiomic 4-dimensional identification of novel treatment targets for bile duct inflammationN/AN/A24.06.2021
325409UNIVERSITETET I BERGENThawing permafrost in the High Arctic: Understanding climate, herbivore and belowground feedbacksN/AN/A24.06.2021
325398Handelshøgskolen ved UiS - administrasjonExperimental Field Investigation of Leadership Practices Supportive of Work-Satisfaction, Engagement, Performance and CreativityN/AN/A24.06.2021
325356Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic ResearchNordic comparative micro-data laboratory for analyses of common shocks: The case of Covid19N/AN/A24.06.2021
325312Institutt for filosofi, ide- og kunsthistorie og klassiske språkMaritime Modernities: Formats of Oceanic KnowledgeN/AN/A24.06.2021
325297NORSK UTENRIKSPOLITISK INSTITUTTCyber security, knowledge and practices (CYKNOW)N/AN/A24.06.2021
325249NTNU SAMFUNNSFORSKNING ASHydroponic Plant Cultivation on a Lunar Base Using Nutrient Sources from Human WasteN/AN/A24.06.2021
325243SINTEF ASTargeting lung cancer cells by selective translation of mRNA therapeuticsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325184Institutt for statsvitenskapThe Political Executive: Cabinet Government Praxis Between Laws and NormsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325155NORD UNIVERSITETBreeding and Evolution of Complex Traits in Phytoplankton CellsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325154NORCE Samfunn/Helse VESTLANDThe logic of measuring, managing and governing ecosystems (EcoLogic)N/AN/A24.06.2021
325079Institutt for administrasjon og organisasjonsvitenskapThe State as a Corporate Actor: Structural Choices, Historical Legacies, and Organisational LegitimationN/AN/A24.06.2021
325053Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet AFI – OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan UniversityCrossing and Managing Boundaries between Work and Non-Work – Co-creating Healthy Teleworking (CROSSBOW)N/AN/A24.06.2021
324963NORCE Samfunn/Helse VESTLANDAdverse Childhood Experiences - Families, Resilience and Children´s OutcomesN/AN/A24.06.2021
324957Norwegian Institute of International AffairsThe pulling power of Paris (PullP): Unpacking the role of ‘pledge & review’ in climate governanceN/AN/A24.06.2021
324933UNIVERSITETET I BERGENRandomized clinical trial assessing balloon occlusion of the aorta for controlling life-threatening postpartum bleeding in AfricaN/AN/A24.06.2021
324877UNIVERSITETET I BERGENBiomimetic Proteolipid Multilayers – Structure and PropertiesN/AN/A24.06.2021
324871NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET NTNUDigital Lives: Impact of Social Media Use on Psychological and Social Development from Childhood to AdulthoodN/AN/A24.06.2021
324783Psykologisk instituttUnravelling the role of oxytocin in behavioural flexibilityN/AN/A24.06.2021
324726SINTEF DIGITALMaritime Resilience Management of an Integrated Transport SystemN/AN/A24.06.2021
324685NORCE NORWEGIAN RESEARCH CENTRE ASCOVID-19 – The impact on Norwegian seafood trade and coastal communitiesN/AN/A24.06.2021
324670UNIVERSITETET I BERGENQuantitative estimates of past UV-B irradiance from fossil pollenN/AN/A24.06.2021
324620FOLKEHELSEINSTITUTTETCovid-19 and impact on mental health: a longitudinal, multi-national study (C-Me)N/AN/A24.06.2021
324615Økonomisk instituttPrinciples under pressure? A study of governmental crisis managementN/AN/A24.06.2021
324598FAKULTET FOR SAMFUNNSVITENSKAPIndigenous homemaking as survivance: Homemaking as cultural resilience to the effects of colonization and assimilation.N/AN/A24.06.2021
324472Økonomisk instituttModel invariance and constancy in the face of large shocks to the Norwegian macroeconomic systemN/AN/A24.06.2021
324468Institutt for statsvitenskapClimate Politics During Recessions: Examining Drivers of a Green Economic RecoveryN/AN/A24.06.2021
324447UNIVERSITETET I BERGENDecoding tumor cell invasive switchingN/AN/A24.06.2021
324358INSTITUTT FOR SAMFUNNSFORSKNINGWHAt we do For a Living: Gender differences in tasks and payN/AN/A24.06.2021
324344Institutt for musikkvitenskapPlatformization of music production: Developer and user perspectives on transformations of production technology in the online environmentN/AN/A24.06.2021
324328Institutt for medisinske basalfagTargeting Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor for Breast Cancer Treatment and Improved ImmunotherapyN/AN/A24.06.2021
324312FOLKEHELSEINSTITUTTETSafety of Covid-19 vaccination in pregnancyN/AN/A24.06.2021
324308Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historieVoices on the Edge: Minuscule Texts in Early Medieval Latin Culture (c. 700–c. 1000)N/AN/A24.06.2021
324306UNIVERSITETET I STAVANGERNew Porous Liquids for Gas Separation and Carbon CaptureN/AN/A24.06.2021
324302OSLO UNIVERSITETSSYKEHUS HFExploring T cell – B cell collaboration resulting in autoimmunityN/AN/A24.06.2021
324299Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologiCrime in Latin America: The role of family, employment, culture and the stateN/AN/A24.06.2021
324298Senter for omsorgsforskning VestOn Equal Grounds? Migrant Women’s Participation in Labour and Labour Related Activities (EQUALPART)N/AN/A24.06.2021
324272Institutt for filosofi, ide- og kunsthistorie og klassiske språkThe Kantian Foundations of DemocracyN/AN/A24.06.2021
324266NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Rational vaccine design as an approach to protect against PMCV infection in salmonN/AN/A24.06.2021
324260Institutt for biovitenskapEpigenetic mechanisms and cell-type specific gene expression during anoxia and re-oxygenation in crucian carp brainN/AN/A24.06.2021
324256Senter for utvikling og miljø (SUM)Pandemic Entanglements: The Political Ecology of Industrial Meat Production in the “Pandemic Era”N/AN/A24.06.2021
324252UNIVERSITETET I OSLODecoding mental disorders into patterns of polygenic pleiotropyN/AN/A24.06.2021
324227SINTEF OCEAN ASENTrainment of oil In bREaking wavesN/AN/A24.06.2021
324195UNIVERSITETET I BERGENNew concepts of protein regulation in health and diseaseN/AN/A24.06.2021
324180Institutt for kultur- og språkvitenskapHistories of Animals, Technological infrastructure, and making more-than-human Homes in the modern ageN/AN/A24.06.2021
324158Institutt for ernæring og folkehelseEATWELL: A Comparative Material-Semiotic Ethnography of Food Systems and More-than-Human Health in BhutanN/AN/A24.06.2021
324129NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIPROTECT: Priming for Resistance Of Trees and its Effects on microbial CommuniTiesN/AN/A24.06.2021
324003Institutt for musikkvitenskapAMBIENT: Investigating Bodily Entrainment to Audiovisual Rhythms in Local and Remotely Connected EnvironmentsN/AN/A24.06.2021
323961UNIVERSITETET I OSLOMind the gap: fusing brain imaging and genetics data to reveal mechanisms underlying psychiatric disordersN/AN/A24.06.2021
323951Psykologisk instituttLearning from Mistakes: A Longitudinal Neuroimaging-Cohort-Registry StudyN/AN/A24.06.2021
326509FORSVARETS HØGSKOLE FHSContested Ukraine: Military Patrotism, Russian Influence and Implications for European SecurityN/AN/A24.06.2021
325996NORSK UTENRIKSPOLITISK INSTITUTTShocking times for European economic integrationN/AN/A24.06.2021
325984Institutt for geofagDYPOLE: Dynamics of polar confined basins - The Eurasia Basin from breakup in greenhouse to present in icehouse conditionsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325971OSLO UNIVERSITETSSYKEHUS HFTracking cancer growth by intelligent displacement biomapsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325822Institutt for administrasjon og organisasjonsvitenskapPolicy capacity of interest groupsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325712FOLKEHELSEINSTITUTTETEarly educational experiences as a foundation for academic success (MoBaEarlyEd)N/AN/A24.06.2021
325699ARENA Senter for europaforskningThe Politics of European and American Single-Market GovernanceN/AN/A24.06.2021
325681UNIVERSITETET I BERGENIsotopic Transfer Rates During Water Phase ChangesN/AN/A24.06.2021
325582UNIVERSITETET I BERGENUnderstanding the link between lightning, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes and gamma-ray glowsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325571NOFIMA ASCOOLFISH: Improving Atlantic salmon health and welfare by metabolic programmingN/AN/A24.06.2021
325567Institutt for geofagIs the Earth’s core the hidden reservoir of noble gases?N/AN/A24.06.2021
325491Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikkImpact of small-scale reconnection events on the solar atmosphereN/AN/A24.06.2021
325464SINTEF ASSilicon production using hydrogen as reductantN/AN/A24.06.2021
325457UNIVERSITETET I BERGENHydrogen Storage in Subsurface Porous Media - Enabling Transition to Net-Zero SocietyN/AN/A24.06.2021
325294Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science - University of StavangerLarge Offshore Wind Turbines (LOWT):structural design accounting for non-neutral wind conditionsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325241STIFTELSEN NANSEN SENTER FOR MILJØ OG FJERNMÅLINGThickness of Arctic sea ice Reconstructed by Data assimilation and artificial Intelligence SeamlesslyN/AN/A24.06.2021
325236NORSK UTENRIKSPOLITISK INSTITUTTStrengthening Fragile States through TaxationN/AN/A24.06.2021
325141Institutt for sammenliknende politikkParty Instability in ParliamentsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325129INSTITUTT FOR FREDSFORSKNINGShaping the Digital World Order: Norms and Agency along the Digital Silk Road in Southeast Asia (NORM)N/AN/A24.06.2021
325123Institutt for journalistikk og mediefagDecoding Digital Media in African regions of ConflictN/AN/A24.06.2021
325003UNIVERSITETET I OSLOMachine Learning Molecular Legos for Catalyst Discovery within Large Chemical SpacesN/AN/A24.06.2021
324931INSTITUTT FOR FREDSFORSKNINGOnline Dangerous Speech and Violence (ODAS)N/AN/A24.06.2021
324830NORD UNIVERSITYSchool absence in Norwegian primary schools – institutional understandings and responses (SCANSchoolAbsence)N/AN/A24.06.2021
324826Dept. of Education, University of OsloTeamwork analytics for training collaborative problem solving in professional higher educationN/AN/A24.06.2021
324688NORCE Teknologi/Energi ROGALANDMechanisms for CO2 storage in the presence of residual oilN/AN/A24.06.2021
324663Institutt for datateknologi og informatikkQuality and Content: understanding the influence of content on subjective and objective image quality assessmentN/AN/A24.06.2021
324639NORCE Miljø/Klima VESTLANDGreenland ice sheet evolution and stabilityN/AN/A24.06.2021
324630Norsk senter for molekylærmedisin (NCMM)DID SURFACES ENABLE THE ORIGINS OF LIFE? The role of interfaces in the emergence of primitive cells on the early EarthN/AN/A24.06.2021
324591FAFO INSTITUTT FOR ARBEIDSLIVS- OG VELFERDSFORSKNING ASYouth with Neurobiological Diagnoses; Living Conditions, Public Services and Prognoses for InclusionN/AN/A24.06.2021
324590UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITETRelativistic Multiresolution Chemistry: Heavy-Element Compounds at the Complete Basis-set LimitN/AN/A24.06.2021
324475NTNU SAMFUNNSFORSKNING ASYoung people transitioning from out-of-home care in Norway and Australia: Interrelationships between policies, pathways, and outcomesN/AN/A24.06.2021
324243NTNU Fakultet for ingeniørvitenskap Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikkEnhancing optimal exploitation of solar energy in Nordic cities through the digitalization of built environmentN/AN/A24.06.2021
324239SIMULA RESEARCH LABORATORY ASExciting times: Extreme modelling of excitable tissue (EMIx)N/AN/A24.06.2021
324238Fafo, Institutt for arbeidslivs- og velferdsforskning asThe future of resettlement: vulnerability revisitedN/AN/A24.06.2021
324183UNIVERSITETET I BERGENTemperature-dependent properties of 2D materials:Direct measurements of electron-phonon coupling and bending rigidity with helium scatteringN/AN/A24.06.2021
324155DRONNING MAUDS MINNE HØGSKOLE FOR BARNEHAGELÆRERUTDANNINGVirtual Risk Management - exploring effects of childhood risk experiences through innovative methods (ViRMa)N/AN/A24.06.2021
324131UNIVERSITETET I OSLOGlobal glacier modeling: Do non-linear feedbacks matter for century-scale projections?N/AN/A24.06.2021
324080Institutt for informatikkMarkov State Models for Cellular Phenotype SwitchingN/AN/A24.06.2021
324061NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET NTNUAir Quality Monitoring Exploiting Massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output AntennasN/AN/A24.06.2021
323986Geofysisk instituttFJO2RD: The effect of climate change on the deep water renewal frequency of Norwegian fjordsN/AN/A24.06.2021
323766NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET NTNUEquilibrium and out-of-equilibrium quantum phenomena in superconducting hybrids with antiferromagnets and topological insulatorsN/AN/A24.06.2021
325452NOFIMA ASNovel texturized hybrid foods targeting future sustainability and health challenges in the AnthropoceneN/AN/A24.06.2021
324253UNIVERSITETET I OSLOEffects of polyploidization during adaptive evolution in yeasts (PloidYeast)N/AN/A24.06.2021
324613NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET NTNUBALancing humAn and Natural resource use in Circular bioEconomyN/AN/A24.06.2021
324167NORDISK INSTITUTT FOR STUDIER AV INNOVASJON, FORSKNING OG UTDANNING (NIFU)Addressing climate change with innovation in the forest-based industry (Inno4Tree)N/AN/A24.06.2021

Meldinger ved utskriftstidspunkt 19. september 2024, kl. 12.39 CEST

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