Se Resultat

Samarbeidsprosjekt for å møte utfordringer i samfunn og næringsliv

Viktige datoer

5. nov. 2020

Webinar for forskningsorganisasjoner

10. nov. 2020

Webinar for universiteter og høgskoler

12. nov. 2020

Webinar for institutter og helseforetak

16. des. 2020

Åpen for søknad

13. jan. 2021

Webinar om søknadsskjemaet

17. feb. 2021


Juni 2021

Offentliggjøring av hvilke prosjekter som får bevilgning

1. jul. 2021

Tidligste tillatte prosjektstart

1. des. 2021

Seneste tillatte prosjektstart. Prosjekter som ikke er startet opp innen denne datoen, kan miste eventuell innvilget støtte.

30. nov. 2025

Seneste tillatte prosjektslutt

Viktige datoer


Formålet med søknadstypen er å utvikle ny kunnskap og bygge forskningskompetanse som samfunnet eller næringslivet trenger for å møte viktige samfunnsutfordringer. Prosjektene skal stimulere og støtte samarbeid mellom forskningsmiljøer og aktører utenfor forskningssektoren som representerer samfunnets og/eller næringslivets behov for kunnskap og forskningskompetanse.

Om søknadsresultatene

Hvis du ikke finner søknaden din på listen nedenfor, betyr dette dessverre at prosjektet ikke har mottatt midler i denne runden. Administrasjonen jobber med å få ut skriftlig vurdering av alle søknader og du bør motta din i løpet av noen få uker.

Søkt beløp
Kr 5 075 000 000
Tildelte midler
Kr 1 033 000 000
Mottatte søknader
Innvilgede søknader
Innvilgede søknader
Søkt beløp
326746NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIChanges in outfield grazing - causes, impacts and measuresN/AN/A22.06.2021
327055HØGSKOLEN I MOLDEPoliticians, citizen participation and the implementation of contentious measures for sustainable transportN/AN/A22.06.2021
326956NOFIMA ASSustainable Norwegian dietary fiber and protein sources for a healthy gut microbiotaN/AN/A22.06.2021
326896UNIVERSITETET I BERGENHow can fisheries contribute more to a sustainable future?N/AN/A22.06.2021
326888FOLKEHELSEINSTITUTTETNewTools - Developing tools for food system transformation, including food summary scores for nutrition and sustainabilityN/AN/A22.06.2021
326825STIFTELSEN RURALIS INSTITUTT FOR RURAL- OG REGIONALFORSKNINGSustainable feed production from Norwegian bio-resources for livestock and aquacultureN/AN/A22.06.2021
326814Transportøkonomisk instituttCapacity after lockdown. A transport system for the futureN/AN/A22.06.2021
326784CICERO SENTER FOR KLIMAFORSKNINGSustainable and just transport policies in Norwegian medium-sized citiesN/AN/A22.06.2021
326767TRANSPORTØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Stiftelsen Norsk senter for samferdselsforskningRecording Cyclist Crashes and Long-term Injury Consequences by new Smart ToolsN/AN/A22.06.2021
326764NTNU FAKULTET FOR INGENIØRVITENSKAPManagement and extension of service life of infrastructures affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction (MESLA)N/AN/A22.06.2021
326743TRANSPORTØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Stiftelsen Norsk senter for samferdselsforskningLast mile logistics innovationN/AN/A22.06.2021
326728NOFIMA ASHealthier meat products with less saturated fat, and novel utilization of excess animal fat combined with carbohydrate-rich side streamsN/AN/A22.06.2021
326701NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Increased and market-adapted production of grain legumes in Norway to increase self-sufficiency of proteins for food and feedN/AN/A22.06.2021
326688NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMISustainable solutions for profitable raspberry and blackberry productionN/AN/A22.06.2021
326686VETERINÆRINSTITUTTETPreparePig: Preparing the Norwegian pig population for control of emerging and re-emerging diseasesN/AN/A22.06.2021
326600NMBU VeterinærhøgskolenNew Approaches to MASTitis treatment and Effective preventionN/AN/A22.06.2021
326946Norges idrettshøgskole, senter for idrettsskadeforskningFewer Youth in Norwegian Emergency Rooms (FYNER) – preventing injuries in youth sport through an interdisciplinary and theory-based approachN/AN/A22.06.2021
326941RBUP Øst og Sør, Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helseEarly Prevention of Mental Health Problems: Co-Creating and Optimizing a Brief Evidence-Based Intervention for Adolescents (KORT)N/AN/A22.06.2021
326873UNIVERSITETET I STAVANGERREAD TO ME – enhancing teachers engaging progress monitoring of struggling readersN/AN/A22.06.2021
326813Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyPreventing multimorbidity in severe mental disorders with a multidisciplinary approachN/AN/A22.06.2021
326799FAKULTET FOR LANDSKAP OG SAMFUNNCOmprehensive evaluation of CREATING PUBLIC open spaces for enhancing HEALTH in local communities (CO-CREATING PUBLIC HEALTH)N/AN/A22.06.2021
326797Institutt for pedagogikk, religion og samfunnsfagSustainable design in kindergarten sector through ‘Exploration and Pedagogical Innovation Laboratory’ [EX-PED-LAB]N/AN/A22.06.2021
326667Institutt for barnehagelærerutdanningDiCoTe: Increasing professional Digital Competence in ECTE with focus on enriching and supporting children’s play with coding toysN/AN/A22.06.2021
326633DRONNING MAUDS MINNE HØGSKOLE FOR BARNEHAGELÆRERUTDANNINGQuality Development through Participation in ECEC Institutions in NorwayN/AN/A22.06.2021
326607Høgskolen i ØstfoldArtificial Intelligence (AI) for Assessment for Learning (AfL) to Improve Learning and Teaching in 21st Century (AI4AfL)N/AN/A22.06.2021
326589Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences -INNCritical Examination of Race and Racism in Teacher Education (CERiTE)N/AN/A22.06.2021
327005NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET NTNUA platform for development of peptide-based antimicrobials for treatment of infections with drug-resistant bacteriaN/AN/A22.06.2021
326992TRANSPORTØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Stiftelsen Norsk senter for samferdselsforskningFacilitating innovation in county authorities’ management of road safetyN/AN/A22.06.2021
326988SINTEF DIGITALEnsuring sustainable e-health transformation in primary health care through competent full-time workersN/AN/A22.06.2021
326968NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)The Planning and Building Act between market demand, land policy, sustainability, temporality, and intergenerational justiceN/AN/A22.06.2021
326932NORCE Samfunn/Helse ROGALANDInnovation in municipal home-based healthcare servicesN/AN/A22.06.2021
326917Institutt for økonomi, historie og samfunnsvitenskapMigrant Work Inclusion - co-creating joint opportunities through employment and entrepreneurshipN/AN/A22.06.2021
326907HELSE FONNA HFA NeED Joint Effort 21: eHealth and a PPI-program in Dementia with Lewybodies (DLB)N/AN/A22.06.2021
326881UNIVERSITETET I BERGENEnvironmental risk studies towards sustainable seabed mineral mining on the Mid-Ocean Ridge in NorwayN/AN/A22.06.2021
326819Institutt for biovitenskapA Norwegian BioGenome initiative: the initial Launch phaseN/AN/A22.06.2021
326811OSLO UNIVERSITETSSYKEHUS HFCellFit: T cells fit to fight cancerN/AN/A22.06.2021
326793NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Planning for sustainable second-home developmentN/AN/A22.06.2021
326773SYKEHUSET INNLANDET HFVirtual Reality as a facilitator for participation in society among persons with mental health and/or substance use disordersN/AN/A22.06.2021
326744SINTEF ASRealising the shared electronic health record: a multi-site study of a national pilot implementationN/AN/A22.06.2021
326732HØYSKOLEN KRISTIANIA - ERNST G MORTENSENS STIFTELSEReturning people with persistent pain to work using Individual Supported Employment placements (ReISE)N/AN/A22.06.2021
326727UNIVERSITETSSYKEHUSET NORD-NORGE HFDignity Care - Digitally supported Person-centered care systemsN/AN/A22.06.2021
326661UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN DET MEDISINSKE FAKULTETIntegration as a way to reducing health inequalities among forced migrants: A collaborative and knowledge building project.N/AN/A22.06.2021
326650OSLO UNIVERSITETSSYKEHUS HFHome monitoring of pregnancies at riskN/AN/A22.06.2021
326574NORCE Samfunn/Helse ROGALANDExploring and redesigning a cross-sector outpatient wound management model comprising telemedicine and ambulatory wound care interventionsN/AN/A22.06.2021
327010SAMFUNNS- OG NÆRINGSLIVSFORSKNING ASWell-schooled for Work? School-work and work-school transitions, and the labor market returns to vocational education and trainingN/AN/A22.06.2021
327056SINTEF ENERGI ASMonitoring and Control of Networks for CCSN/AN/A22.06.2021
327047NTNU Institutt for marin teknikkDesign Re-Engineering and Automation for Marine SystemsN/AN/A22.06.2021
327013HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTETEPA immune - Can dietary EPA affect viral response in Atlantic salmon?N/AN/A22.06.2021
326980HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTETFrameworks for classifying the welfare of farmed Atlantic salmon based upon the principles of severity assessmentN/AN/A22.06.2021
326976Norwegian Insitute for Water Research (NIVA)MARine Ecosystem Accounting for integrated coastal planning in the OslofjordN/AN/A22.06.2021
326975NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Unlocking the potential of enzymatic recycling of plasticsN/AN/A22.06.2021
326900NORCE Miljø/Klima VESTLANDSpatial patterns of PATHogen profiles in marine habitats and associations with active and fallow fish farms from eDNA sampling (PATHDNA)N/AN/A22.06.2021
326879HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTETSharks on the Move: species distribution modelling of migratory sharks to inform ecosystem-based management under global changeN/AN/A22.06.2021
326874SINTEF INDUSTRI AVD TRONDHEIM S P AND VEIControlled Source Electromagnetic Monitoring of CO2 Storage SitesN/AN/A22.06.2021
326861NORCE Miljø/Klima VESTLANDthe SLudge Appraisal team – Developing a sUstainable value chaiN from tanK to productN/AN/A22.06.2021
326647SINTEF OCEAN ASSEAVID19 Ensuring economic sustainability in the seafood industry during crisisN/AN/A22.06.2021
326585Norwegian Veterinary InstutiteTRACE AND TERMINATE SALMON GILL POXVIRUSN/AN/A22.06.2021
326758Institutt for sosialantropologi“Automation shift in the maritime sector of the offshore oil and gas industry: assessing risk and safety, protecting labor.”N/AN/A22.06.2021
326710SINTEF OCEAN ASSafer, Easier and more Accurate Co-simulationsN/AN/A22.06.2021
326679SINTEF OCEAN ASIntelligent Ship Transport SystemsN/AN/A22.06.2021
326609SAMFUNNS- OG NÆRINGSLIVSFORSKNING ASImproving ship and cargo tracking with multi-source spatial dataN/AN/A22.06.2021
326984CHR MICHELSENS INSTITUTT FOR VIDENSKAP OG ÅNDSFRIHETTax Compliance in Tanzania: The Role of Trust and NormsN/AN/A22.06.2021
326803MØREFORSKING ASSusKelpFood – Sustainable ingredients from cultivated kelp to the food industryN/AN/A22.06.2021
327059UNIVERSITETET I SØRØST-NORGE CAMPUS PORSGRUNNALCOhol-based PrOcess for Production of carbonic acid diesters from CO2 (ALCOPOP)N/AN/A22.06.2021
327022NTNU Fakultet for ingeniørvitenskap Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikkSustainable movement and restoration of natural and productive soils in important infrastructure projectsN/AN/A22.06.2021
326979STIFTELSEN NORSK INSTITUTT FOR NATURFORSKNING NINALaunching the Norwegian Green Infrastructure Network and new decision-support tools for Land Prioritization, Scenario and Impact assessmentN/AN/A22.06.2021
326947NIBIO TRONDHEIMRestoration of ecosystem functioning and biodiversity in semi-natural habitats under high pressureN/AN/A22.06.2021
326914Aquateam COWIBiochar as a quality recycling-product from organic waste fractions.N/AN/A22.06.2021
326857STIFTINGA VESTLANDSFORSKINGShifting to sustainable circular values chains for handling plastics in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.N/AN/A22.06.2021
326846UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITETDevelopment of a bacterial meal with a tailored high-lipid content for use as feed additive in aquacultureN/AN/A22.06.2021
326843HØGSKOLEN I INNLANDET EVENSTADForests and wildlife under pressure – systems analysis for sustainable solutionsN/AN/A22.06.2021
326735TRANSPORTØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Stiftelsen Norsk senter for samferdselsforskningResource sharing in residential buildings: Innovative approaches to shared, circular mobility & space solutions for sustainable consumptionN/AN/A22.06.2021
326645Institutt for miljø og naturvitskapREPEAT - REthinking sustainable land use of PEATlandN/AN/A22.06.2021
326641NORSK INSTITUTT FOR VANNFORSKNINGSpace for resilience - how do we plan for stormwater, biodiversity and recreation to increase urban resilience?N/AN/A22.06.2021

Meldinger ved utskriftstidspunkt 25. oktober 2024, kl. 17.45 CEST

Det ble ikke vist noen globale meldinger eller andre viktige meldinger da dette dokumentet ble skrevet ut.