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B.3 Horizon Europe Lump sum proposal writing (Oslo)


Forskningsrådet, Frisch 1 og 2

Passer for:

Level 2


Ingen kursavgift, men påmeldingen er bindende. Det tas et gebyr på kr. 1000 for no show, samt avmelding senere enn påmeldingsfristen. Kun fravær med sykemelding, rettsinnkalling eller militærtjeneste aksepteres som gyldig fravær.


10. september 2024 kl 15.00

Om arrangementet

B.3 Lump sum proposals writing in Horizon Europe (2 days) – Level 2

Lump sum funding is increasingly used in Horizon Europe. This 2-day course will dig into the details of writing proposals and lump sum budget development. Consisting of practical presentations and workshops, it will cover the following topics:

  • The main features of lump sum funding
  • How to define the lump sum in your proposal – tips to define units and estimate sufficient budget and resources for your lump sum budget 
  • Distribution of tasks and planning of work packages in your proposal and how it is linked to the payment system of lump sum projects 
  • Evaluation of the lump sum proposals – how your estimated costs and planned resources will be assessed and scored 

During the course you will be guided through the process from idea to a proposal in a practical workshop exercise. The course also focuses on the expected impact, innovation and exploitation of project results, and also how to tailor an effective disseminate and communication plan to maximise the potential impact of your Horizon Europe project.

The course is delivered by Europa Media.

Our Horizon Europe seminars are distributed into 5 topics (A-E) on three knowledge levels (1-3)

Read more about the different courses.



Day 1

08:30 – 09:00  Arrival and registration

09:00 – 09:15   Event opening and introduction to the course    

09:15 – 10:00 Introduction to lump sum funding and proposal writing

  • Why the EC uses lump sum finding? Basic principles;
  • Misunderstandings about lump sum;
  • Work programmes, calls and topics – budgets, deadlines, submission processes
  • Types of actions (RIA, IA, CSA) and TRLs – positioning your proposal effectively
  • First steps of proposal preparation: identifying the right call, call analysis, proposal abstract, background research, consortium building
  • What makes a proposal successful?

(10:00 – 10:15 Coffee Break)

10:15 – 11:00  Lump sum proposals: Excellence

  • Proposal forms: proposal template and the detailed budget table;
  • Drafting Part B of the proposal: Excellence – Examples, tips and templates from section 1.1. and 1.2 of the Part B of the proposal with lessons learned from evaluations

(11:00 – 11:15 Short Break)

11:15 – 12:00  Lump sum proposals: Implementation

  • Work package distribution and timing of the work packages considering the payment system;
  • What to do with horizontal work packages?
  • How to define and justify the lump sum amount?
  • How to sufficiently estimate the cost for each cost category?
  • Evaluation of lump sum proposal.
  • Step-by-step introduction on how to use the lump sum budget table;
  • Small budget planning exercise with the participant on how to define units and how explain them;
  • Showcasing a real proposal and ESRs;

(12:00 – 12:45 Lunch Break)

12:45 – 15:00  Workshop: Preparing a lump sum Horizon Europe proposal

Participants are divided into small groups to practice the first steps of LS proposal development under Horizon Europe:

  • Call analysis
  • Consortium building considerations
  • Overall and specific objectives
  • How to distinguish activities from objectives and vice-versa
  • Work packages and deliverables
  • PERT diagram and milestones


Day 2    

09:00 – 10:00   Expected Impact in Horizon Europe Proposals                                                             

  • Impact in HE proposals – examples of different approaches to addressing the “Expected Impact” of your proposals, lessons learned from evaluations
  • Impact in RIAs, IAs and CSAs – how to position your innovation from RTD to market uptake, Dos and Don’ts
  • Impact indicators and Impact assessment methodologies
  • Barriers to achieving the Expected Impact – Types of barriers

(10:00 – 10:15 Coffee break)

10:15 – 11:15  Measures to maximise impact                                                               

  • How to identify and select the best exploitation, IP and innovation strategy to maximise the potential impact of your HE project
  • Exploitation and sustainability – examples of project and partner level approaches and routes
  • How to tailor an effective dissemination and communication plan to maximise the potential impact of your HE project
  • Tools, measures, strategies and channels to reach your target group and communicate the right message in the right way

(11:15 – 11:25 Break)

11:25 – 12:30 Workshop: Impact, Exploitation, Dissemination & Communication

  • How the project will contribute to each of the expected outcomes and impact mentioned in the work programme
  • Exploitable results and the potential exploitation strategies – how to transform this into a “plan”
  • Defining the most appropriate target groups. tools and channels for dissemination and communication

(12:30 – 13:15 Lunch break)

13:15 – 15:00  Workshop: Preparing a lump sum budget

Participants will go through exercises to estimate their budget and fill in the HE lump sum budget template for a virtual proposal in which they are a partner. They will have to calculate their person-month rate correctly for different staff categories, plan and estimate purchase costs such as travel, consumables, equipment, subcontracting, and try to justify these correctly in the “Comments” section of the lump sum budget template.


Inger Nordgard

    Internasjonalt samarbeid

Meldinger ved utskriftstidspunkt 25. oktober 2024, kl. 17.45 CEST

Det ble ikke vist noen globale meldinger eller andre viktige meldinger da dette dokumentet ble skrevet ut.