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B.4 Dissemination, Exploitation, Open science and Research Data Management in HE (Bergen)


Universitetet i Bergen, Nordre Allmenning 3, 1. Etg. Nygårdsgaten 5, 5020 Bergen

Passer for:

Level 2


Ingen kursavgift, men påmeldingen er bindende. Det tas et gebyr på kr. 1000 for no show, samt avmelding senere enn påmeldingsfristen. Kun fravær med sykemelding, rettsinnkalling eller militærtjeneste aksepteres som gyldig fravær.


4. september 2024, kl 15.00.

Om arrangementet

This 1-day course gives an introduction to horizontal issues in Horizon Europe that can help maximising the impact of your research project.  During the course both proposal writing and project management phases will be covered.  The course focuses on four main issues: exploitation of project results and IP management; how to tailor an effective disseminate and communication plan to maximise the potential impact of your Horizon Europe project; how to comply with open science requirements and options; finally, what to consider for effective research data management.

The course language is English, and the course is delivered by Europa Media.


09:00 – 09:15 Event opening and introduction to the course

09:15 – 10:00 Dissemination strategy

  • How to approach the dissemination strategy development?
  • How to assess your target groups, what channels and tools to consider, how to ensure proper messages spread with adequate timing?
  • What is the quadruple helix, what is citizen science – how to integrate that into e.g. a nanotechnology project? Different strategies and approaches will be introduced through real-life examples from social and natural science projects.
  • How to approach dissemination during the implementation of your project?
  • How to approach dissemination with an outlook to Horizon Europe?

(10:00 – 10:15 Break)

10:15 – 11:00 Eploitation, IP strategy and innovation management

  • Exploitation management vs. innovation management
  • Non-commercial exploitation routes
  • Commercialisation (Licencing, joint ventures, spin-offs, etc.)
  • Protection measures
  • IP management pillars
  • Assess novelty element and innovation deployment potential
  • Legal agreements – what is needed? What is useful?
  • Budgetary aspects

(11:00 – 11:15 Break)

11:15 – 12:00  Open Science and research data management

  • How to handle open access in your EU project?
  • How to take into consideration institutional policies, how to ensure the FAIR principles and what data management plan should be developed by whom for a social science project or a security project?
  • What is the European Open Science Cloud, Open Research Europe, what is OpenAire, Zenodo ARGOS, DMP Online, etc?
  • What does the European Commission favour?

(12:00 – 12:45 Lunch break)

12:45 – 15:00  Workshop

Participants will work on a set of exercises. With the help of trainers, the participants will build up a dissemination and exploitation strategy, face a few challenges during implementation of that strategy and discuss what to publish openly and how.

For the data management plan participants will play a quiz.


Inger Nordgard

    Internasjonalt samarbeid

Meldinger ved utskriftstidspunkt 25. oktober 2024, kl. 17.45 CEST

Det ble ikke vist noen globale meldinger eller andre viktige meldinger da dette dokumentet ble skrevet ut.