See Result

Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal (Thematic Priority Call)

4 March 2024: We have removed the technical limit for the maximum amount you can seek in funding in the application form. This was done so that we are able to accept applications for the topic "The National Election Study". You must ensure that you stay within the support limits for the theme you choose. If you have created an application for the topic "The National Election Study", you must create a new application to avoid the old technical limit.

We will have new portfolios from 1 January 2024. The thematic areas in our calls reflect the new portfolios. You will therefore find that some research topics lie under new thematic areas. Under this call, this applies in particular to the following: 

  • Research topic previously under thematic area Oceans: 
    • Marine is located under the thematic area Climate and environment 
    • Aquaculture is under the thematic area Food and bioresources 
  • The research topic Petroleum is under the thematic area Energy and transport 
  • The research topic Culture (formerly under Welfare, culture and society) is located under Welfare and education 
  • The research topic Polar (previously under Climate and polar) is located under the thematic area Climate and environment 

We reserve the right to make changes to the call for proposals after we have received the letter of allocation for 2024. 

Important dates

06 Mar 2024

Open for applications

06 Mar 2024

Application deadline

01 Aug 2024

Earliest permitted project start

01 Apr 2025

Latest permitted project start

31 Aug 2032

Latest permitted project completion date

Important dates


The purpose of this call is to support scientific renewal and development in research that can help to advance the international research front within the thematic areas set out in the call. This call is therefore targeted towards researchers who have demonstrated the ability to conduct research of high scientific quality.

About the results of the application assessment process

We publish the results of the application process on an ongoing basis after the various portfolio board meetings. Here you will find the dates for when we plan to publish application results for many of our calls: When can you expect the application results?

Total amount sought
4 661 589 000
Amount awarded
715 890 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
352455Institutt for samfunnsforskningThe Norwegian National Election Study of 2025 & 2029Demokrati og global utvikling38 000 00012.06.2024
352375NTNURisk assessment for the potential natural event triggered technical accidents of the offshore oil & gas industry in green transitionPetroleum9 274 00014.06.2024
352544SINTEF ASRobust and high-performance membranes for CO2 separation and sequestration from natural gas (MEMCO2)Petroleum11 850 00014.06.2024
352679UiSNa+tteries - Negative Electrode-Electrolyte Solution Development for Sustainable, Scalable Full-Cell Sodium-BatteriesEnergi og transport, miljøvennlig energi11 749 00014.06.2024
352501SINTEF ASGalileo: Green, electrode agnostic, polymer electrolytes for Na-ion batteries.Energi og transport, miljøvennlig energi12 000 00014.06.2024
352277SINTEF ASSolid-state sodium batteries: Screening for electrolyte materialsEnergi og transport, miljøvennlig energi12 000 00014.06.2024
352614NTNUBuilding Healthy Food Environment in Schools: Evaluating Co-created Interventions in Low Resource SettingsDemokrati og global utvikling12 000 00018.09.2024
352381UiBAdvancing tuberculosis diagnosis in children and adults by developing point-of-care optical devicesDemokrati og global utvikling12 000 00018.09.2024
352514HINNUTI-Diag: Reducing the burden of antimicrobial resistance – urinary tract infection using innovative and scalable rapid diagnosisDemokrati og global utvikling11 997 00018.09.2024
352690UiOPandemic Funds, Public Goods for Health, and the Future of Global Health FinancingDemokrati og global utvikling12 000 00018.09.2024
352517NIVAMulti-scale analysis of the health attributes of plastic recycling in IndiaDemokrati og global utvikling12 000 00018.09.2024
352226FHIPromoting responsiveness and equity for primary health care decisions through voiceDemokrati og global utvikling11 993 00018.09.2024
352695UiBImplementation evidence from health economics and users on preventing malaria in vulnerable children with monoclonal antibodies (HEKIMA)Demokrati og global utvikling12 000 00018.09.2024
352314NORCE Samfunn/Helse VESTLANDProtesting Controversial Climate Policies: Avenues of OppositionDemokrati og global utvikling12 000 00018.09.2024
352367DET JURIDISKE FAKULTET, UiBProtecting child rights and public safety: Premises for the integration of child's best interest and crime preventionDemokrati og global utvikling12 000 00018.09.2024
352626NUPIEarth to Orbit - Building Bridges in Space GovernanceDemokrati og global utvikling12 000 00018.09.2024
352437STIFTELSEN RURALIS INSTITUTT FOR RURAL- OG REGIONALFORSKNINGDeveloping inclusive business model (BM) concepts for solar food drying in the Himalaya regionDemokrati og global utvikling12 000 00018.09.2024
352389INSTITUTT FOR FREDSFORSKNINGMicro-Foundations of Peace: Bureaucrats, Civilians, and Peacebuilding in Colombia (MicroPeace)Demokrati og global utvikling12 000 00018.09.2024
352385INSTITUTT FOR FREDSFORSKNINGExpanding the search for new ways of working along the Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus (EXPAND)Demokrati og global utvikling11 999 00018.09.2024
352599NORSK UTENRIKSPOLITISK INSTITUTTTrade-offs of Blended Finance for DevelopmentDemokrati og global utvikling11 932 00018.09.2024
352334Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, NTNUThe Future of EUrope (TFoE) - Public and elite preferences for the relationship between EU and non-EU countriesDemokrati og global utvikling7 000 00018.09.2024
352305Chr. Michelsen InstituttThe Eritrean Arm: The effects of repression and mobilisation of Eritrean diasporas on democracies in EuropeDemokrati og global utvikling7 000 00018.09.2024
352549Institutt for fredsforskningCONTEST: How populist illiberal regimes shape gender norms in EuropeDemokrati og global utvikling7 000 00018.09.2024
352321FAFO Institutt for arbeidslivs og velferdsforskningMobilizing the new Russian diaspora in a context of sanctions, social exclusion and fear of repressionDemokrati og global utvikling6 999 00018.09.2024
352570UiT Norges arktiske universitetRussian Indigenous peoples organizations and their diplomatic agencies in the Arctic and beyondDemokrati og global utvikling 6931 00018.09.2024
352350SAMFUNNS- OG NÆRINGSLIVSFORSKNING ASSalmon exports, processing, and local economic impactsMat og bioressurser9 996 00019.09.2024
352210UiB, sosiologisk instituttThe Salmon Elite: Its politics, self-understanding, networks, and wealthMat og bioressurser10 000 00019.09.2024
352671Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitetDeciphering the interplay between the ulcerome and wound healing processes in skin ulcers of Atlantic salmon for improved immune preventionMat og bioressurser12 000 00019.09.2024
352435UiT Norges arktiske universitetFormation and prevention of ulcer – skin-on-a-chip approachMat og bioressurser12 000 00019.09.2024
352274Nofima ASDietary and cellular osmolytes in protecting Atlantic salmon skin from pre-disposition to wounds.Mat og bioressurser12 000 00019.09.2024
352539UiTSEDNA: Assess Seasonality in Pelagic Diversity and Carbon Export within the Central Arctic OceanKlima og miljø12 000 00025.09.2024
352400UiOThe hidden role of copepods in coastal macroalgae for marine ecosystem functioningKlima og miljø11 999 00025.09.2024
352397UiBRegional downscaling of biological predictions. From global crisis to local copingKlima og miljø11 998 00025.09.2024
352521HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTETCLIMEMINE - Will climate change increase the legacy effects of mining waste on marine ecosystems?Klima og miljø12 000 00025.09.2024
352418UiB-Geofysisk instituttGYRE-induced variability in North Atlantic circulation - Dynamics and impacts on overturningKlima og miljø10 567 00025.09.2024
352405NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIRevising the climate change mitigation potential of natural climate solutionsKlima og miljø12 000 00025.09.2024
352142NORCE KlimaNavigating the uncharted territory of the Anthropocene climateKlima og miljø12 000 00025.09.2024
352423HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTETKrill between currents and predators: connecting climate, ocean and ecosystem dynamics in the South Orkney Islands regionKlima og miljø11 998 00025.09.2024
352260UiO-Institutt for geofagLess is More? – Snow Cover Loss as a Driving Force of Increased Vegetation Damage in the Arctic-Boreal RegionKlima og miljø12 000 00025.09.2024
352331CICERO - Center for International Climate ResearchBorealBlaze: Climate effects and feedbacks of changing high-latitude wildfireKlima og miljø11 984 00025.09.2024
352080UiOFraming Reading Across Mediums Velferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352236NIFUDiscretionary suitability assessments in higher educationVelferd og utdanning7 994 00027.09.2024
352511NORCEEngagement, Growth And General Education in Norwegian folk high schools Velferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352613NTNURetention Evaluation - Teacher Attrition and Incentives in Norway Velferd og utdanning7 815 00027.09.2024
352253LæringsmiljøsenteretSELFICON - Self-regulation In ContextVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352475HVLNegotiating Values in Norwegian Teacher EducationVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352307Universitetet i BergenA circular educational framework to help solve healthcare challenges: interprofessional education and collaborative practice for the futureVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352361Høgskulen på VestlandetEnsuring a Competent and sustainable workforce of Midwives in NorwayVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352486Stiftelsen Frischsenteret for samfunnsøkonomisk forskningThe Economics of Adult Education: Promoting Life-long Learning through information and financial incentivesVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352644Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress ASHealth, education and labor market integration in refugees – a cross-country, longitudinal, mixed-method studyVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352603Nordlandsforskning ASImproving social work environments on board: Antecedents and consequences of psychological safety and social support on Norwegian vesselsVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352411Institutt for samfunnsforskningTransitions in Late Careers: Obstacles and OpportunitiesVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352352Institutt for samfunnsforskningTemp Agency Work: Worker Welfare, Organization and Efficiency (TEMPO)Velferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352140Universitetet i OsloImproving causal inference for individual working life trajectories from registry data: studying interventions, estimands and heterogeneityVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352061Universitetet i BergenCitizen perceptions of AI in everyday media life (IMAGINE)Velferd og utdanning11 534 00027.09.2024
352349OsloMet - StorbyuniversitetetAutomating Technologies and the Future of Meaningful WorkVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352383Universitetet i OsloArtificial Intelligence in Real Life: Human-LLM CommunicationVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352412Universitetet i BergenExplainability requirements for AI used in legal decision-makingVelferd og utdanning11 990 00027.09.2024
352441Universitetet i OsloDigitizing sexual violence: The role of technology in creating and regulating sexual harmsVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352542Universitetet i OsloThe Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Political Knowledge, Opinion Formation, and DemocracyVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352548Stiftelsen Handelshøyskolen BITransformative Technologies, Creativity, and Value Creation in the Cultural SectorVelferd og utdanning12 000 00027.09.2024
352407Nord UniversitetetRevitalisation Processes in Education: Bringing South Saami ForwardSamisk samfunn og kultur8 715 00001.10.2024
352518Samisk høyskoleEatnama Mánát Skuvlema Bálgáid alde: Strengthening Sámi Children’s Identity and Resilience by Transforming Educational InstitutionsSamisk samfunn og kultur11 946 00001.10.2024

Messages at time of print 25 October 2024, 17:44 CEST

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