See Result

Researcher Project for Young Talents (Thematic Priority Call)

This call does not include funding for the topic Ground-breaking research (FRIPRO). See the FRIPRO call for Researcher Project for Young Talents.

Important dates

20 Dec 2022

Date call is made active

08 Feb 2023

Application submission deadline

15 Sep 2023

Earliest permitted project start

01 Apr 2024

Latest permitted project start

31 Mar 2028

Latest permitted project completion

Important dates


Funding is intended to give talented young researchers under the age of 40 the opportunity to pursue their ideas and lead a research project. This call is targeted towards researchers in the early stages of their careers, 2–7 years after defence of an approved doctorate, who have demonstrated the potential to conduct research of high scientific quality.  Which disciplines and thematic areas the call is open for, are specified under each topic.

About the results of the application assessment process

Total amount sought
772 344 000
Amount awarded
199 694 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
343478UiOOperando Screening of emerging Anodes for Na-based stationary storage of Renewable energyEnergi og lavutslipp8 000 00012.06.2023
343399SINTEF ASSodium ion batteries for stationary applications in challenging environmentEnergi og lavutslipp8 000 00012.06.2023
343510SINTEF ENERGI ASRethinking zinc-air flow batteries for stationary energy storageEnergi og lavutslipp7 997 00012.06.2023
343732SINTEF ENERGI ASMulti-storage systems for multi-markets under multi-time horizonsEnergi og lavutslipp8 000 00012.06.2023
343193UiOFLUFFY – Fluoride-based Na-ion battery cathodes for stationary energy storageEnergi og lavutslipp7 993 00012.06.2023
343488HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTETKinship-based assessment of Norwegian coastal cod to determine sustainable harvest levels and protect genetic diversity in fisheriesHav7 989 00015.06.2023
343056HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTETAssessing spatiotemporal dynamics in HERring POPulation Structure under climate changeHav8 000 00015.06.2023
343517HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTETBiodiversity in Northern European Seagrass meadows – drivers, responses, and resilienceHav8 000 00015.06.2023
343469HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTETAnthropogenic impacts of climate change and fisheries on reproductive and offspring performance of high-latitude marine fishesHav8 000 00015.06.2023
343117STIFTELSEN NORSK INSTITUTT FOR NATURFORSKNING NINALong-term effects of environmental changes on ArctiC seabirds: effeCts of seasonal distribUtion and contaMination on popULATION dynamicsHav7 880 00015.06.2023
344079AKVAPLAN-NIVA ASMigratory Crossroads: predicting the dynamics of a great vertical migration in a changing habitatHav8 000 00015.06.2023
343430NMBUSustainable aquaculture industry waste valorization through recyclingHav8 000 00015.06.2023
343520Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning, UNIVERSITETET I OSLO Rising to the challenge: Academic resilience in mathematics and science among disadvantaged students (ARISE)Utdanning og kompetanse8 000 00023.06.2023
343474Institutt for samfunnsforskning Missing Men: New conceptual understandings of gendered educational choicesUtdanning og kompetanse8 000 000 23.06.2023
343256Institutt for teknologi og sikkerhet, UIT Bridging Education and Future Work: Reframing Education and Competence Model for Remote Maritime Operations (REFRAME)Utdanning og kompetanse8 000 000 23.06.2023
343069UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITETDynAMIC (Detecting episodes of Arctic sea ice Mass Imbalance)Naturvitenskap og teknologi8 000 0004.7.2023
343302UNIVERSITETSSENTERET PÅ SVALBARD ASAurora-like fragments: From fascinating discovery to understandingNaturvitenskap og teknologi7 996 0004.7.2023
344061UNIVERSITETET I BERGENEISCAT_3D-Based Reconstruction of Ionosphere-Thermosphere ElectrodynamicsNaturvitenskap og teknologi8 000 0004.7.2023
344002NTNUPetitions and Petitioning in the Nascent Democracy. Norway in the long 19th CenturyVelferd, kultur og samfunn7 999 00014.09.2023
343522Universitetet i StavangerPolarisation, Affect, Identity: Nordic Populism and the Media LandscapeVelferd, kultur og samfunn8 000 00014.09.2023
343406Nord UniversitetAppropriating the Commons: Articulating the Cultural Transformation of Welfare and CharityVelferd, kultur og samfunn7 990 00014.09.2023
343310Senter for studier av holocaust og livssynsminoriteterFrom the Radical to the Norm: The Construction of Normalcy Through Aesthetics in Far-Right CultureVelferd, kultur og samfunn8 000 00014.09.2023
343211Høgskolen i Innlandet HamarExploring Social Politics, Inclusive Education, and Cultural Democratization Through the lens of Norwegian Hip Hop MusicVelferd, kultur og samfunn7 852 00014.09.2023
343081NORCE Samfunn/Helse VestlandReducing digital inequalities: Migrant NEETs struggle for digital inclusion and beneficial outcomesVelferd, kultur og samfunn7 994 00014.09.2023
343131UISHuman Reading AssessmentUtdanning og kompetanse8 000 00026.10.2023

Messages at time of print 24 October 2024, 02:09 CEST

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