See Result

Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges

Important dates

20 Dec 2022

Date call is made active

15 Feb 2023

Application submission deadline

01 Jul 2023

Earliest permitted project start

01 Dec 2023

Latest permitted project start

30 Nov 2027

Latest permitted project completion

Important dates

Last updates

06 Jan 2023

On the basis of the temporary grant letter for 2023 from the Norwegian government, the topic of research on carbon turnover and storage in agricultural and forest soils has been excluded from this call.


The purpose of this call is to develop new knowledge and generate competence needed by society or trade and industry to address important societal challenges.

The projects are to encourage and support collaboration between research organisations and stakeholders from outside the research sector that represent societal and/or industry-related needs for knowledge and research competence.

About the results of the application assessment process

Total amount sought
4 243 261 000
Amount awarded
861 785 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
344275SINTEFResilience and Reliability Improvement of CORS Network Based Services for Automated and Autonomous Transportation OperationsTransport og mobilitet 10 000 000 12.06.2023
344408SINTEFExploring preconditions for an integrated safe and smart traffic environment system - for Wildlife collision avoidance.Transport og mobilitet 9 999 000 12.06.2023
344437NorceSound TRAnsport NETworks (S-TRANET): Establishing the cause of hazard events on railway infrastructure using a distributed sensor networkTransport og mobilitet10 000 00012.06.2023
344464TØIMapping Cycling and Walking Crashes by new Smart ToolsTransport og mobilitet10 000 00012.06.2023
344316SINTEF ASBuilding capacity for transformative action in energy transitionsEnergi og lavutslipp10 080 00012.06.2023
344361CICEROA fair low-emission transition of the power market (FAIRPOWER)Energi og lavutslipp12 000 00012.06.2023
344126NMBUImpacts of wind turbines on flying nocturnal wildlifeEnergi og lavutslipp12 000 00012.06.2023
344392SSBEnergyWise: Integrated modelling of efficient and acceptable expansion of renewable energy in times of nature and climate crisesEnergi og lavutslipp12 000 00012.06.2023
344206FNIOut of the shade? Solar development challenges in Norway (SOLNOR)Energi og lavutslipp11 441 00012.06.2023
344115NTNU Samfunnsforskning Limits to digitalization: Exploring the transition challenges of Norwegian data centersEnergi og lavutslipp12 000 00012.06.2023
344258UiAWINDREG - Offshore wind and regional futures: challenges and opportunities for energy justice in regional transitionsEnergi og lavutslipp11 952 00012.06.2023
344226NORD UNIVERSITETThe NEON Young Norway Study: Facilitating Narrative Experiences Online to Provide Mental Health Support for Young PeopleHelse16 000 00014.06.2023
344341NASJONALT KUNNSKAPSSENTER OM VOLD OG TRAUMATISK STRESS ASEASE - Early Support after Exposure to TraumaHelse16 000 00014.06.2023
344365Senter for omsorgsforskning Vest (Høgskulen på Vestlandet)Early intervention in long-term care: new model for tailored initial efforts and allocating of services (EARLY INTERVENTION)Helse16 000 00014.06.2023
344375Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitetSustainable Local Mental HealthcareHelse15 995 00014.06.2023
344337HELSE BERGEN HF HAUKELAND UNIVERSITETSSJUKEHUSeCardiacRehab – a pragmatic trial on a home-based patient-centered e-Health programme with tailored solutionsHelse16 000 00014.06.2023
344121UNIVERSITETET I OSLOMultimodal digital avatar tools for early diagnosis of dementia in municipalitiesHelse16 000 00014.06.2023
344112SINTEF OCEAN ASAir-lubrication for oceangoing vesselsHav12 000 00015.06.2023
344122NTNU, Institutt for havromsoperasjoner og byggteknikkInfrastructure for low emission and renewable energy solutions in coastal shippingHav12 000 00015.06.2023
344160Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i OsloOpenZero – Digital user interface design for energy-conscious and safe maritime operationsHav12 000 00015.06.2023
344238SINTEF OCEAN ASSystem optimisation and stress testing in co-simulationsHav12 000 00015.06.2023
344295SINTEF OCEAN ASWIND - Enabling Zero-Emission shipping with wind-assisted propulsionHav11 510 00015.06.2023
344326NTNU, Institutt for teknisk kybernetikkSeamless human-machine teaming for safe and scalable operation of autonomous passenger ferriesHav12 000 00015.06.2023
344537NTNU, Institutt for teknisk kybernetikkSafe and Resilient Control Systems for Autonomous ShipsHav12 000 00015.06.2023
344286Norges Tekniske Naturvitenskapelig Universitet“AILEEN”: Artificial Intelligence guided Multi-Microbial Cultivation processMuliggjørende teknologier15 000 00016.06.2023
344249SINTEF ASNew bio-based epoxy compounds for high performance application (NordiCoats)Muliggjørende teknologier15 000 00016.06.2023
344222Havforsknings-instituttetAccelerated genetic improvement of key traits in farmed Atlantic salmon via transplantation of in vitro propagated germline stem cellsMuliggjørende teknologier14 997 00016.06.2023
344103SINTEF OCEAN ASIndustrial-scale production of diatoxanthin – a high-value product from microalgae with anti-cancer and anti-inflammation propertiesMuliggjørende teknologier14 305 00016.06.2023
344285STIFTELSEN RURALIS INSTITUTT FOR RURAL- OG REGIONALFORSKNINGKARBONMAT: Designing sustainable business model (SBM) concepts for carbon sequestration in soils to transform the Norwegian food system Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser 12 000 00019.06.2023
344432NOFIMA AS Bread Rescuers: Developing innovative business and consumer strategies to reduce bread waste Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser 12 000 00019.06.023
344325NOFIMA ASFrom Awareness to Engagement: Young Consumers in a Sustainable Food System Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser 11 997 00019.06.2023
344542NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIEmission-free smart greenhouse farming: increasing tomato production while reducing energy needs in a closed greenhouse system using an ECS Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser 12 000 00019.06.2023
344152NIBIO Pollinator-friendly agricultural landscapes: Solutions for management of habitats under pressure.Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser 13 931 00019.06.2023
344448NINACommongroundLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser 13 800 00019.06.2023
344308FRIDTJOF NANSEN STIFTELSEN PÅ POLHØGDA EU Climate Policy Implications for Land Use in Norway: Managing Trade-offs and Achieving Policy CoherenceLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser 12 232 00019.06.2023
344440UiO INSTITUTT FOR ENERGITEKNIKKConsidering the Environment and Nature when Building and Operating Ground Mounted Solar Power Plants in NorwayLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser 14 000 00019.06.2023
344158NMBU FAKULTET FOR MILJØVITENSKAP OG NATURFORVALTNINGBiodiversity mapping of forests from aboveLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser 14 000 00019.06.2023
344468OsloMetRevising work time flexibility policies to promote work inclusion (REFLEX)Velferd, kultur og samfunn12 000 00021.06.2023
344340FAFOEngaging workplaces: a social partners perspective on youth activationVelferd, kultur og samfunn12 000 00021.06.2023
344248OsloMetPromising Practices: Holistic Work Inclusion of Young AdultsVelferd, kultur og samfunn11 956 00021.06.2023
344219OsloMetPreparing for long term stay or fast return? Labour-market integration of Ukrainian refugees in Norway (UKRINT)Velferd, kultur og samfunn10 994 00021.06.2023
344120NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Improving the nitrogen use efficiency of Norwegian dairy cattleLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)13 193 00021.06.2023
344135NOFIMA ASFrom Gene to Bread: Building knowledge and exploiting technology to achieve high wheat self-sufficiency in NorwayLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)15 000 00021.06.2023
344142NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIPrecision fertilization and growth regulation of Norwegian grass seed crops using remote sensing technology (SmartSeed)Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)6 000 00021.06.2023
344156NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)A more sustainable Norwegian oat industry by increased genetic diversity and diversified food productsLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)14 718 00021.06.2023
344157NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Innovative analyses of milk components, sensor and registry data for improved breeding, health, and reproduction in dairy cows.Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)13 766 00021.06.2023
344203NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Bridging genetics and nutrition for improved feed efficiency and sustainability of pig production.Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)14 654 00021.06.2023
344216NORSUS NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BÆREKRAFTSFORSKNING ASCIRCULIZER Anaerobic digestate produced from marine residual resources: Fertilizer quality, environmental benefits and facilitating changeLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)12 100 00021.06.2023
344229NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIUtilization of wood fiber and waste streams for sustainable and circular growing media in horticultureLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)14 750 00021.06.2023
344260NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Processed foods and colorectal cancer: Effect of protein source, processing and dietary patternsLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)15 000 00021.06.2023
344266NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIIPM strategies for future fruit productionLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)12 100 00021.06.2023
344288NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)DLT-Farming: Data-Led Transformation Solution for Sustainable Forage Grass Farming using Robotics, Energy-Efficient Sensors and GenomicsLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)9 860 00021.06.2023
344289NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)N2O-respiring bacteria in organic fertilizers, for reducing N2O emissionsLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)14 045 00021.06.2023
344335VETERINÆRINSTITUTTETImproved gizzard health in turkeys: More research-based knowledge of gizzard erosion and ulceration syndrome (GizMo)Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)10 033 00021.06.2023
344343NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMINew technology for increased precision in production and storage of small-sized potatoesLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)12 300 00021.06.2023
344366RISE PFI ASValue creation from agrifood side streams within the circular bioeconomyLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)13 610 00021.06.2023
344400NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)"Chronic wasting disease threatens Fennoscandian reindeer. How will breeding for CWD-resilience affect genetic variation and fitness?"Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)10 279 00021.06.2023
344401UNIVERSITETET I OSLOBridging the Gap between Knowledge and Practical Application: Linking Microbes, Organic Matter and Sick Soil Syndrome (SICKSOIL)Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)15 000 00021.06.2023
344491NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Relationship between regional 3D growth and osteochondrosis, and tools for large-scale research into skeletal health, genetics and feedingLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)9 879 00021.06.2023
344493NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIImpACT of plant parasitic nematodes in carrotsLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)7 224 00021.06.2023
344531NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIStrategies and methods to manage major insects and diseases of onionLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)8 380 00021.06.2023
344533NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Mitigating methane emissions from dairy and beef cattle through pasture grazingLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser (FFL/JA)15 000 00021.06.2023
344349HØGSKOLEN I ØSTFOLD Online video training for teachers to improve reading skills in children using augmentative and alternative communicationUtdanning og kompetanse9 995 00023.06.2023
344313HØGSKULEN I VOLDA Programming for Developing Mathematical CompetenciesUtdanning og kompetanse9 653 00023.06.2023
344271Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole Sustainability through food literacy in early childhood education and care institutionsUtdanning og kompetanse10 000 00023.06.2023
344382OSLOMET Vocational Teachers as Facilitators in the School-to-Work TransitionUtdanning og kompetanse9 999 000 23.06.2023
344516 HelseBergen HF: Promoting mental health in young children – a sustainable dialogue based approach in kindergartens (PRO-DIALOG)Helse14 110 00027.09.2023
344102OsloMet-storbyuniversitetetEnabling Ageing in PlaceHelse14 957 00027.09.2023
344215NORCEMemory for Music (M4M): Effects of individual intensive musical training based on singing in non-musicians with Alzheimer’s diseaseHelse15 998 00027.09.2023
344250UIORIPARAGRO: Restoring riparian zones on agricultural landsLandbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser13 998 00026.10.2023

Messages at time of print 24 October 2024, 02:09 CEST

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