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Knowledge-building Project for Industry

Last updates

28 Jan 2022

Please note that the amount of funding announced within some of the topics may be reduced due to changes in the central government budget. This means that less funding than announced may be allocated within the thematic areas.


The purpose of this call is to develop new knowledge and generate competence in the research organisations needed by society or the business sector to address important societal challenges. The projects are to encourage and support collaboration between research organisations and stakeholders from outside the research sector that represent societal and/or industry-related needs for knowledge and research competence.

About the results of the application assessment process

Total amount sought
841 045 000
Amount awarded
283 537 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
336583 UiBAmmonia Production via Electrocatalytic Processes (AmPEP)EnergiN/A16.06.2022
336565 NORCEReliable Metering for the Hydrogen Supply Chain to enable a Sustainable Hydrogen EconomyEnergiN/A16.06.2022
336236NMBUResilient energy systemsEnergiN/A16.06.2022
336559UiB 4SWIND: Advancing seismic seabed survey techniques and optimizing site-selection for offshore wind farmsEnergiN/A16.06.2022
336258NINA Functional fish habitats in hydropower reservoirsEnergiN/A16.06.2022
336342SINTEF ASZero Emission Energy Systems for the ArcticEnergiN/A16.06.2022
336621 UiOAssessing impact of snow sublimation for hydropower production in Norway (SnowSub)EnergiN/A16.06.2022
336199SINTEF ENERGI ASNew liquids for transformers - Thermal performanceEnergiN/A16.06.2022
336309SINTEF ENERGI ASUpgrading biocarbon for sustainable metallurgical industriesEnergiN/A16.06.2022
336227 CICEROAMMONIA: Climate and environmental impacts of green ammonia (NH3)EnergiN/A16.06.2022
336442SINTEF ASLarge-Scale Offshore Hydrogen Storage for Green Energy Transition (Hy4GET)EnergiN/A16.06.2022
336512 SINTEF ENERGI ASHigh voltage subsea connections for resilient renewable offshore gridsEnergiN/A16.06.2022
336175SINTEF ASBiocarbon in metal production-Transfer of research to industrial useEnergiN/A16.06.2022
336457 NINAVisualizing avian migration across Norway supporting sustainable coastal and offshore wind energy developmentEnergiN/A16.06.2022
336403IFEHydrogen Liquefaction With Caloric MaterialsEnergiN/A16.06.2022
336592SINTEF ENERGI ASTechnology and building design for safe operation of battery energy storage systemsEnergiN/A16.06.2022
336240NORCE NORWEGIAN RESEARCH CENTRE ASREMEDY: Reduced Emissions and Improved Energy Efficiency on the NCSPetroleumN/A17.06.2022
336217 INSTITUTT FOR ENERGITEKNIKKMUST: MUltiphase flow in STeeply inclined pipes PetroleumN/A17.06.2022
336549SINTEF ENERGI ASDECAMMP - Decomposed ammonia for carbon-free power generationPetroleumN/A17.06.2022
336293UNIVERSITETET I OSLOPaleogene Basin Development on the Vøring and Møre Margins (PALMAR)PetroleumN/A17.06.2022
336440UNIVERSITETET I BERGENDeepReservoir – Predicting reservoir properties in deep structures on the Norwegian Continental Shelf: The critical role of chlorite-coatsPetroleumN/A17.06.2022
336385 NORCE NORWEGIAN RESEARCH CENTRE AS3D geological interpretation for geosteering of wellsPetroleumN/A17.06.2022
336355SINTEF EnergiPrimary Flow Reference for CCSEnergi, transport og lavutslipp - CO2-håndteringN/A22.06.2022
336294NORCEExpansion of Resources for CO2 Storage on the Horda PlatformEnergi, transport og lavutslipp - CO2-håndtering N/A22.06.2022
336266SINTEF Energi Data and models to optimize maritime CO2 transport and offshore injectionEnergi, transport og lavutslipp - CO2-håndteringN/A22.06.2022
336222SINTEF Energi Advanced energy recovery and CO2 capture systems for a decarbonised ferroalloy industryEnergi, transport og lavutslipp - CO2-håndteringN/A22.06.2022

Messages at time of print 13 February 2025, 16:38 CET

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