Portfolio plan Global Development and International Relations

Expected outputs, outcomes and impacts

Expected outputs

The calls will be designed to ensure high-quality publications, both scientific and more wide-ranging and user-focused; strengthened research capacity and increased recruitment; scientific renewal through methodological diversity and theoretical scope; relevant use of trans- and multi-disciplinarity; extensive collaboration across research institutions, nationally and internationally; user involvement in research and collaboration between researchers and users; targeted communication and dissemination, including user dialogue; and gender balance among the projects' principal investigators.

The portfolio will be analysed annually to monitor achievement of the portfolio's various outputs, which will also form the basis for future calls. If one or more of the outputs mentioned above is not progressing as well as expected, the calls will be adjusted to encourage better progress.

Expected outcomes

Based on the outputs from the funded projects, the portfolio anticipates several outcomes that will benefit the Norwegian Government, policymakers, public, private and civic society, global partners, and society at large. Through funding decisions, extensive user dialogue and the dissemination of research to all relevant stakeholders, we seek to ensure the following outcomes from this portfolio: the Norwegian contribution to international agendas within the portfolio's priority areas is based on research; governments, the private, public and civic sectors, and society base their decisions on new and updated knowledge; an expanded knowledge base enables policy and the public administration, working life and civil society to better deal with global challenges and issues related to the foreign policy and security area; Norwegian researchers and their international partners contribute directly to policy development; and strong, sustainable research institutions and research groups are at an international level.

The Research Council will, on a regular basis, assess the various outcomes of this portfolio, and will monitor and analyse both quantitative and qualitative data in mixed methods assessment projects. These assessments will form the basis for future revisions of this portfolio plan. For foreign and security policy research and, in part, development research, the Research Council will trace the use of research conducted under this portfolio in government white papers, national strategies, work programmes for NGOs etc. and the use of researchers within the portfolio's thematic areas on public committees, as advisers to the Government, to policymakers, business, civil society etc.

Expected societal impacts

For this portfolio, it is a prerequisite that the investments made by the funding ministries will have societal impact. This is of particular importance for the funds from the ODA-budget, which are dedicated to the economic development and welfare of LMICs. While planning for future societal impacts is difficult, this portfolio aims to contribute to the following: Norway makes significant contributions to achieving the SDGs based on best practice and updated knowledge; Norwegian development and humanitarian policies, and corresponding efforts, are effective and foster progress and relief in LMICs; Norway makes important contributions to securing a world order based on the rule of law, and Norway’s security, values, interests and sovereignty are safeguarded.

Assessments of societal impacts will vary according to subject area. Development research and global health research, both funded by the ODA-budget, are subject to clear expectations to document societal impact related to advances in their respective priority areas.

Messages at time of print 25 October 2024, 17:46 CEST

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