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Calls for proposals

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Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal (Thematic Call)

The purpose of this call is to promote innovation and development in research that can contribute to advancing the international research front within the topics specified in the call. The call is therefore aimed at researchers who have demonstrated the ability to conduct research of high scientific quality.

Sámi society and culture
Samfunnsoppdrag bærekraftig for
Democracy and global development
The research system
Climate and the environment
Food and bioresources
Welfare and education
Application deadline
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Researcher Project for Early Career Scientists (Thematic Call)

The purpose of this call is to give researchers the opportunity to pursue their own ideas and to lead a research project within the topics specified in the call. The call is aimed at researchers at an early stage in their careers, 2–7 years after the defence of an approved doctorate, who have demonstrated the potential to conduct research of hig...

Food and bioresources
Welfare and education
Application deadline
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Large Interdisciplinary Researcher Project (Thematic Call)

The purpose is to move the research front in climate and nature risk – effects, consequences and solutions for society through interdisciplinary projects with larger allocations. We support researchers from different disciplines who together will generate new knowledge that would not have been possible to achieve without interdisciplinary collab...

Climate and the environment
Food and bioresources
Application deadline
See Result

Researcher Project for Experienced Scientists (FRIPRO)

FRIPRO funds both basic and applied research that is curiosity-driven and bold. This call is aimed at experienced researchers who have demonstrated the ability to conduct research of high scientific quality.

Ground-breaking research
Application deadline
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Researcher Project for Early Career Scientists (FRIPRO)

FRIPRO funds both basic and applied research that i scuriosity-driven and bold. This call is aimed at early-career researchers who have demonstrated the potential to conduct research of high scientific quality.

Ground-breaking research
Application deadline
See Result

Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility (FRIPRO)

FRIPRO funds both basic and applied research. It should be curiosity-driven and bold. This call is aimed at researchers at postdoctoral level who wish to spend two years at a foreign research organisation and the third year in Norway.

Ground-breaking research
Application deadline
See Result

Researcher Project for ICT Renewal and Development

The purpose of this call is to promote innovation and development in research that can contribute to advancing the international research front in ICT, including digital security and sovereignty, the next generation of data processing/ICT systems and other ICT research areas.

Enabling technologies
Application deadline
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Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges

The purpose of this call is to encourage research organisations to collaborate with relevant actors from society and the industry sector to develop new knowledge and build research expertise that is necessary to address important societal challenges.

Enabling technologies
Democracy and global development
Energy and transportation
Food and bioresources
Welfare and education
Application deadline
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Competence-building Project for Industry

The purpose of this call is to encourage research organisations to cooperate with trade and industry to generate knowledge that the industry sector and society need to solve major societal and industry challenges. We require the business sector to provide cash financing for the projects.

Energy and transportation
Application deadline
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Maritime Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence

The purpose of this call is to establish a research centre for the application and development of artificial intelligence (AI) for the benefit of maritime stakeholders.

Energy and transportation
Kunstig intelligens
Application deadline
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Industrial PhD Scheme – Doctoral Projects in Industry 2025

The Industrial PhD Scheme aims to enhance research efforts and long-term competence-building for Norwegian trade and industry through the recruitment of doctoral candidates.

Energy and transportation
Climate and the environment
Kunstig intelligens
Application deadline
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Public Sector PhD Project – Doctoral Project in the Public Sector 2025

Public sector bodies may apply for funding for a Public Sector PhD project. A Public Sector PhD project involves collaboration between a public sector body and a degree-conferring institution. The doctoral project must be based on an issue of relevance to the public body and must be carried out by an employee.

Democracy and global development
Energy and transportation
Climate and the environment
Welfare and education
Kunstig intelligens
Application deadline

Centre for International Economics

The aim of the centre is to strengthen Norwegian knowledge about developments in the international economy and the consequences of changed framework conditions for developing countries, for Norway and Norwegian foreign- and development policy.

Democracy and global development
Application deadline

Centre for Research-based Innovation – SFI V – Phase 2

Funding is available for up to eight new Centres for Research-based Innovation - SFI. The objective of the SFI scheme is to promote innovation by supporting long-term research through close collaboration between R&D-intensive enterprises and prominent research institutions.

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Funding for Coordination and Network Activities in Svalbard – Svalbard Strategic Grant

The purpose is to support coordination, collaboration, network and data sharing activities that contribute to increased scientific quality in Svalbard research.

Climate and the environment
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Support for Events

Through this call, you can apply for funding to organise conferences, workshops and seminars. The event will be a meeting place for dissemination of research results, knowledge sharing, development of a knowledge base and/or generation of scientific collaboration. The event can be both physical and digital.

Enabling technologies
Energy and transportation
Climate and the environment
Food and bioresources
Application deadline

International Partnerships for Excellent Education, Research and Innovation (INTPART)

Norwegian research organisations can apply for funding for partnerships with Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, China, South Africa, South Korea and the USA. 

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Joint Research Programme 2025: Call for proposals on Artificial Intelligence and Hydrogen

This call is a pre-qualification for applying for funding for joint research projects between South Korea and Norway on artificial intelligence and hydrogen. Approved Norwegian research organisations are eligible to apply.

Joint international programmes
Enabling technologies
Energy and transportation
Kunstig intelligens
Application deadline
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Registration Call for Norwegian Project Partners in the Calls for the Co-funded Partnerships in Horizon Europe

This is a portal for registering Norwegian partners in projects awarded funding in a Horizon Europe co-fund partnership call where the Research Council provides funding for the Norwegian partner's project costs. Registration of granted project participation provides a basis for establishing a contract with the Research Council for the national f...

Application deadline
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Support for Events Focused on the Functioning of the Financial Market and Ethical Awareness

The purpose of this call is to support events that address the functioning of the financial market and contribute to ethical awareness in the financial market area. Support from the Finance Market Fund will be used for purposes within areas of activity that include the securities market (see Section 7 of the Regulations). In addition, we can sup...

Policy and government administration areas
Humanities and social sciences
Democracy and global development
Welfare and education
Application deadline

How Financial Markets Work and Ethical Awareness – Funding for Research Projects

The call aims to promote ground-breaking research of scientific quality at the forefront of international state-of-the-art. The results must be of relevance to the Norwegian financial market. In the application, you must clarify the relevance to the purpose of the Finance Market Fund. In addition, you must show that the support from the Fund has...

Policy and government administration areas
Application deadline

The Finance Market Fund's Special Call - Funding for Larger Research Projects on the Financial Market on Two Topics: Regulation in Banking/Insurance and Personal Finances

This special call covers two priority topics: regulation in banking and insurance and personal finance. The Finance Market Fund funds research and general information in the financial market area. The purpose of the Fund is to contribute to increased knowledge and understanding of the functioning of financial markets, and to increase ethical awa...

Policy and government administration areas
Application deadline 1
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Pre-clinical therapy studies for rare diseases using small molecules and biologicals – development and validation

The Research Council of Norway (RCN) is announcing € 600 000 to Norwegian researchers who wish to contribute to advancing therapeutic solutions for rare diseases. The ERDERA Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2025 aims to foster international collaboration on interdisciplinary research projects, leveraging complementary expertise to benefit millions of patients worldwide.

Ground-breaking research
Enabling technologies
Democracy and global development
Application deadline
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Calls through Chips Joint Undertaking (former KDT) 2024

Chips JU support cross-boundary semiconductor technology research and development, innovation and development and use of manufacturing capabilities.

Enabling technologies
Application deadline 1
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Second call of the European partnership AGROECOLOGY

This call focuses on the performance of agroecology, under different aspects: evaluating this performance in its various dimensions, quantifying environmental impacts, transforming value chains, and contributing to the design of public policies to better support the transition.

Food and bioresources
Application deadline 1
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Pharmacogenomic Strategies for Personalised Medicine (PGxPM2025)

The overall objectives of the JTC2025 will be to Support research projects in human health on pharmacogenomic strategies for personalised medicine.

Enabling technologies
Life science
Application deadline 2
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Biodiversa+: Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform)

This call for proposals will aim for interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and/or cross-sectoral research and innovation projects to identify, analyse, and comprehend transformation processes that may halt and reverse biodiversity decline. It should generate knowledge to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystems, as well as the benefits these may provide to people, through transformative change to mitigate and reverse biodiversity threats.

Climate and the environment
Food and bioresources
Application deadline 2
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Third call from the European Partnership Driving Urban Transitions

Up to NOK 45 million for Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable future for cities.

Democracy and global development
Energy and transportation
Food and bioresources
Application deadline
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Antagonistic threats challenging societal security

NordForsk calls for projects that increase our knowledge about antagonistic threats and societal security in the Nordic-Baltic region.

Democracy and global development

Messages at time of print 9 February 2025, 15:53 CET

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