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Industrial PhD Scheme – Doctoral Projects in Industry 2024

Due to an increase in the amount announced under this call, we have decided to move the deadline to 5 June 2024.

The call is updated according to the new information. 

Important dates

24 Apr 2024

Open for applications

05 Jun 2024

Application deadline

28 Aug 2024

Feedback on application processing and earliest permitted project start

28 Aug 2025

Latest permitted project start

27 Aug 2029

Latest permitted project completion date

Important dates


The Research Council has established the Industrial PhD Scheme to boost research efforts and long-term competence-building for Norwegian trade and industry through the recruitment of doctoral candidates. 

The scheme is also intended to promote closer cooperation between the business sector and research organisations as a necessary step in promoting knowledge transfer from researchers to society at large. 

The target group is companies. The Industrial PhD Scheme provides companies with the opportunity to expand their research knowledge and expertise without having to participate in a more comprehensive R&D project. 

About the results of the application assessment process

Total amount sought
217 141 000
Amount awarded
102 696 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
353799DNV ASSafety Regimes practices and how they are managed in maritime operations and their ability to prevent and mitigate operational risks.N/AUSN29.08.2024
353804NANOCAPS ASIndustrial PhD at nanoCaps on hybrid supercapacitorsN/AUSN29.08.2024
353823ETC ELECTRIC TIME CAR ASAI-Driven Automated User Interface Testing for Web ApplicationsN/ANTNU29.08.2024
353879TRENINGSKLINIKKEN ASTrening med høy intensitet som rehabiliteringstiltak for pasientgrupper i spesialisthelsetjenestenN/AHiM (Molde)29.08.2024
354009OVUM ASVurdering av utslipp og faktorer som påvirker innsamling og bruk av fiskeslam fra flytende lukket akvakulturteknologiN/ANMBU29.08.2024
354044GE HEALTHCARE ASContinuous organic synthesis - determination of reaction kinetics and structure elucidation of by-productsN/AUiB29.08.2024
354077VARD DESIGN ASPhysics Informed Machine Learning for Accelerated Ship Hydrodynamic OptimizationN/ANTNU29.08.2024
354085AGRIANALYSE ASHvordan kan avansert data management og maskinlæring effektivisere markedsreguleringen i landbrukssektoren?N/ANMBU29.08.2024
354115INITIAL FORCE ASInstrumented strength and balance tests in elderlyN/ANTNU29.08.2024
354120KONGSBERG DEFENCE & AEROSPACE ASEnsuring Reliability in AI-Driven Autonomous Systems for Safety- and Security-Critical ApplicationsN/ANTNU29.08.2024
354123ELKEM ASABehaviour of SiC in The Silicon ProcessN/ANTNU29.08.2024
354131NANOCAPS ASIndustrial PhD at nanoCaps on sustainable development of Interconnected Cross-Linked Carbon Nanotube (iCL-CNT) for supercapacitor electrodesN/AUSN29.08.2024
354133NEXANS NORWAY ASElektromagnetisk modellering av høyspente kraftkablerN/ANTNU29.08.2024
354139NORDICNEUROLAB ASPhD Project – Optimized audio-visual fMRI for the guidance of brain stimulationN/AUiB2908.2024
354148AS INSTITUTT FOR PSYKOLOGISK RÅDGIVNINGKnowing me, knowing you: Exploring the effects of training in Emotion focused therapy (EFT) on therapist developmentN/AUiO29.08.2024
354150LENT ASLedelsesutvikling innen styrkebasert prosessledelse - potensielle effekter og nytte i norsk arbeidslivN/ABI29.08.2024
354152BIOMAR A.S.Lipid nutrition as a driver for Atlantic salmon robustness and welfareN/ANTNU29.08.2024
354154FORZASYS ASSmart Sports Studio: AI-Powered Tools for Next-Gen Media ProductionN/AOsloMet29.08.2024
354155NordicRWE ASTransforming Real-World Evidence with Advanced Language Models: Predictive Analytics for Improved Healthcare OutcomesN/AUiO29.08.2024
354157EIENDOMSVERDI ASTree-Based Machine Learning Algorithms for House Price Predictions and Price IndicesN/ANMBU29.08.2024
354161NOVELDA ASFull-duplex UWB RF front-ends for radar and ranging applicationsN/AUiO29.08.2024
354165ANEO ASRobust and fast multi-market optimizationN/ANTNU29.08.2024
354168SPECTRUM BLUE ASTesting of the pigment Q-FIELD™, and it's efficacy of disinfecting surfaces in different substratesN/AIT - University of Trieste29.08.2024
354170KONGSBERG DEFENCE & AEROSPACE ASConceptual cyber-physical framework for federated situational awareness and decision support.N/ANTNU29.08.2024
354177RIFT LABS ASOptimization of Spectral Light Quality for Increased Energy Use Efficiency and Quality of the Produced in Controlled Environment AgricultureN/ANMBU29.08.2024
354178MUZZIBALL ASCircular tech product development in health and educational industries in NorwayN/AUiS29.08.2024
354181SÁLLIR NATUR ASArktisk-alpine naturtypar: vegetasjonmønster i høgfjelletN/AUiO29.08.2024
354189ABEL TECHNOLOGIES AS"Digital helseveiledning for kreftpasienter Digital health guidance for cancer patients"N/AINN29.08.2024
354193DNB BANK ASAAI-Driven Personal Advisors in a High Trust Societies, for better personal wellbeing, finances, health and contributionN/ANTNU29.08.2024
354194SEAONICS ASMachine vision, AI and control for explainable reasoning systems in maritime remote operationsN/ANTNU29.08.2024
354195MEDIEHUSET ITROMSØ ASNyttegjørelse av KI for det lokale demokratiet: Samskaping av KI-verktøy og metoder for lokalnyheter og redusering av risikoN/AUiA29.08.2024
354206GENO SABeef on Norwegian Red: A genetic evaluation of Norwegian beef cattle sires for use on dairy cattle.N/ANMBU29.08.2024
354210KONGSBERG MARITIME ASApplication of artificial intelligence and machine learning in critical marine automation and control systems.N/AUiO29.08.2024
354211CGG SERVICES (NORWAY) ASTowards improved imaging and detection using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) in marine environmentsN/ANTNU29.08.2024
354212PUEROVITA BIOTECHNOLOGY ASAI-Driven Multi-Omics Integration for Enhanced Prediction and Personalization in Age-Associated Disease ManagementN/AUiO29.08.2024
354227ZEABUZ ASRisk-based and modular assurance framework for maritime autonomy systems.N/ANTNU29.08.2024
354230ANDERSEN MEK VERKSTED ASAutonom boreriggN/ANTNU29.08.2024
354232DOSCON ASCognitive Analytics of Gravity- and Pressure-Driven Membrane SeparationN/ANMBU29.08.2024
354233ADEPTH MINERALS ASPredicting Lithology in Mineral SystemsN/AUiB29.08.2024
354234AMICOAT ASControlling and predicting release of AMC-109 from biodegradable aliphatic polyesters for antimicrobial medical devicesN/ASE - Chalmers University of Technology29.08.2024
354235MIDLAIER ASPersonvernbevarende og pålitelig kunstig intelligensN/ANTNU29.08.2024
354238MEDIEHUSET ITROMSØ ASAI-støttet produksjonsflyt for datadrevet journalistikkN/AOsloMet29.08.2024
354241EBHR ASKI-baserte modeller for dekoding av språklig kommunikasjon og oversettelse til figurative mentale modeller.N/AINN29.08.2024
354245FACTIVERSE ASTowards robust Large Language Models for agent-based systemsN/AUiS29.08.2024
354250ØYEHELSEKLINIKKEN ASClinical predictors of treatment response in dry eye diseaseN/AUiO29.08.2024
354251HTTECH ASDeveloping a Sustainable Business Model for Zero-Emission High-Quality Carbon Production in NorwayN/ANORD29.08.2024
354252ABB ASCoordinated control of industrial processes and power systems for enhanced flexibility and resiliency of operationN/ANTNU29.08.2024
354253NORGES MULTIKULTURELLE SENTER ASExploring the Role of Cultural Translation in Multicultural Communication in the Norwegian ContextN/AUiA29.08.2024

Messages at time of print 13 February 2025, 16:21 CET

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