
Supplementary Funding for Ongoing Projects to Enhance Knowledge and Results Transfer from ICT Research to the Defence Sector

The call for proposals was closed 7 June 2023 after all funds had been allocated.

Last updates

18 Apr 2023

Available funds for the period 2021–2023 are NOK 45 million. As of May 2023, the remaining available funds are NOK 17 million.


The purpose of this call is to enable the defence sector to take greater advantage of the breadth of national research environments within specific topics. Ongoing projects carrying out research on the topics artificial intelligence (AI), autonomy and/or quantum technology can apply for supplementary funding to perform activities that generate knowledge and results transfer to the defence sector. The purpose is to establish collaboration with and strengthen other technology initiatives in the sector.

The defence sector is the common term used to describe the part of the government administration that works on Norway’s military defence. It comprises five agencies: The Armed Forces, the Norwegian Material Defence Agency (FMA), the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), the Norwegian National Security Authority (NSM) and the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency. (Source: SNL)

About the call for proposals

The call for proposals remains open as long as there is budget coverage for new projects. Grant applications submitted after all the funding has been distributed will be rejected.

Funding is available for independent supplementary activities in ongoing research and collaborative projects that enhance and support knowledge-building and results transfer to the defence sector on the topics artificial intelligence (AI), autonomy and quantum technology.

By enhance, we mean in this context that ongoing projects improve the utilisation of their results by establishing new collaborative activities with the defence sector that strengthen its technology initiatives.

You can apply for up to NOK 4 million per project.

The Norwegian-language call for proposals is the legally binding version.

Who is eligible to apply?

Only approved Norwegian research organisations that are the Project Owner of an ongoing Researcher Project or Collaborative and Knowledge-building Project in the Research Council’s ICT portfolio can apply.

See the list of approved Norwegian research organisations.

Who can participate in the project?

Requirements relating to the Project Owner

The Project Owner must be the same as the one specified in the contract for the ongoing project.

The research organisation defined as the Project Owner in the application form must have formally approved submission of the application.

If the application is a collaboration between several organisations, the Project Owner submits the application on behalf of all the partners.

Requirements relating to project managers

The project manager must be the same as the one specified in the contract for the ongoing project.

Requirements relating to partners

Partners in the project seeking supplementary funding should preferably have formal roles in the ongoing project. We may allow other partners that are not participating/have not participated in the ongoing project if they provide added value to the project seeking supplementary funding. A description of the added value must be provided in the application. Approved Norwegian research organisations and equivalent foreign organisations are eligible to participate as partners in the project and receive funding.

What can you seek funding for?

You will find detailed and important information about what to enter in the project budget on our website.

You can apply for funding to cover the actual costs necessary to carry out the project. The Project Owner is to obtain information about costs from each project partner. You can apply for funding for large-scale concrete measures and activities that are not already part of the ongoing project.

Activities that are covered include:

  • bringing new partners or resources that represent the defence sector into the project;
  • mobility in or out of the project for knowledge and results transfer between the project and representatives of the defence sector, e.g. by project participants going on secondment to agencies in the defence sector and/or defence sector employees going on secondment to research partner organisations;
  • extra efforts to disseminate or utilise results from the project that generate knowledge and results transfer to the defence sector and/or that lead to synergies being achieved with other technology initiatives in the defence sector. The activities may be a series of work meetings with relevant actors, dissemination activities such as the establishment of communication channels and networks, or other activities;
  • funding of a PhD or a PostDoc with security clearance ‘Secret’ or higher required for access to classified material.

All the activities must satisfy the Responsible Research and Innovation requirements; see the document RRI-rammeverk.pdf (in Norwegian only – attachment opens in a new window).

Scope of funding

We can award from NOK 100,000 to NOK 4 million in funding per project seeking supplementary funding under this call.

You can apply for funding to cover up to 100 per cent of the budgeted project costs.

There are no requirements for own funding, but some own financing of researcher time is required for applications from the university and university college sector.

Conditions for funding

The project seeking supplementary funding should, as a rule, start and finish within the project period of the ongoing project. You may exceed the end date of the ongoing project, but the application must in such case clearly state that the project seeking supplementary funding is based on and enhances the results of the ongoing project.

The Research Council will not award support that constitutes state aid under this call. This means that the Research Council funding is only to go to the non-economic activity of the research organisations. We require a clear separation of accounts for the organisation’s economic and non-economic activities. Companies will not be eligible to receive support to cover projects costs and may not receive indirect support through the granting of any rights to project results.

The Research Council’s requirements relating to allocations and disbursement of support for the first year and any pledges and payments for subsequent years are set out in the General Terms and Conditions for R&D Projects, available in their entirety on the information page What the contract involves.

From 2022, all grant recipients that are research organisations or public sector bodies (Project Owners and partners) must have a Gender Equality Plan (GEP) available on their website. This must be in place when they sign the grant agreement for projects awarded funding from the Research Council. The requirement does not apply to the business sector, special interest organisations or the non-profit sector.

Scientific articles and research data

The Research Council requires full and immediate open access to scientific publications; see Plan S – open access to publications.

Research data must be made available in accordance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). The Project Owner of projects that process data must prepare a data management plan in connection with the revised application.

Reports and disbursement of funding

Funding will be disbursed in arrears, and only actual expenses entered in the institution’s accounts will be covered. All reporting takes place electronically.

Relevant thematic areas for this call

This call encompasses the research area ICT, limited to the topics artificial intelligence, autonomy and quantum technology. It must be possible to link the topics to technology initiatives in the defence sector.

Enabling technologies

Research on ICT development

Practical information

Requirements for this application type

  • Requirements relating to the project manager and Project Owner (research organisation) must be satisfied.
  • The application and all attachments must be written in Norwegian or English.
  • All attachments must be uploaded in PDF format.

Mandatory attachments

  • A project description (maximum 5 pages) using the standard template available for download at the end of the call.
  • If the application includes funding of PhD or a Post-doctoral research fellows, a confirmation of security clearance and authorisation of the research fellowship must be enclosed, alternatively a confirmation that includes a description of the process of advertising and appointing research fellowships to ensure the security clearance requirement is met.
  • CVs of new, key participants not participating in the ongoing project.
  • A letter of intent from new project partners.

All requirements set out in the call must be met. Applications that do not meet the formal requirements, or requirements relating to the Project Owner, project manager, collaboration and roles in the project, will not be considered. The application must be within the limits specified for funding amount and duration.

We will not assess documents and websites linked to in the application, or other attachments than those specified above. There is no technical validation of the content of the attachments you upload, so please make sure that you upload the correct file for the selected type of attachment.

Assessment criteria

Grant applications will be assessed in relation to the following criteria:


• The extent to which the concept is sound, credible and novel.

• The extent to which the project objectives are clear and relevant.
• The quality of the proposed deliverables from the project.


• The extent to which the expected effects are specified.
• The extent to which expected impacts on the system and societal levels are specified.

Knowledge sharing and exploitation
• The quality of the proposed communication and dissemination activities.
• The extent to which it is credible that the proposed outputs will contribute to the specified effects and impact.


Project Manager and project group
• The extent to which the Project Manager and project group are qualified and have the necessary expertise and are positioned to implement the project.
• The extent to which management structures and procedures are appropriate.

Plans and management
• The extent to which the work plan is clear and understandable, and the time table realistic
• The extent to which objectives and measures are coherent.
• The extent to which the project has the support of the leadership of the Project Owner and any partners, and the allocation of roles in the project is clear.
• The extent to which the budget is realistic and appropriate, and resources are allocated so that each of the partners can fulfil their role.
• The extent to which potential risks have been discussed.

Administrative procedures

All applications will be assessed by the Research Council administration and read by a minimum of two case officers. The applications will be assessed against the criteria and awarded a mark from 1 to 7 on each criterion, an overall mark and a separate mark for relevance. Applications with an overall mark of 5 or better and a relevance mark of 5 or better will be awarded funding.

Applications with an overall mark of 4 or less and a relevance mark of 4 or less will be rejected.

The administration is responsible for the final decision regarding the approval or rejection of grant applications. 

Notification of the funding decision can be expected 3–6 weeks after the date of submission.

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