Natural sciences and technologies

The portfolio board's investments will mainly realise groundbreaking research of high scientific quality within science and technology. In the field of space research, the investments will also contribute to central Norwegian participation in priority satellite and rocket projects through ESA, as well as scientific projects that utilise EISCAT and NOT.

Person som står under satellitter og holder den ene hånden over hodet

Overall plans natural sciences and technologies (in Norwegian only)

The portfolio board

The portfolio board is responsible for investment decisions within natural science and technology for the Research Council’s funding scheme for independent projects (FRIPRO), as well as for providing scientific advisory services.

The members are:
Eva Sørensen, University College London, UK, Chair
Inga Berre, University of Bergen, Bergen
Andreas Carlson, University of Oslo, Oslo
Mari-Ann Einarsrud, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
Odd Arne Lorentsen, Gen2 Energy, Borre
Eli Ringdalen, SINTEF, Mo i Rana
Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Aarhus University, Denmark
Rune Storvold, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Tromsø
Magne Sydnes, University of Stavanger, Stavanger
Bo Wahlberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden


Harald Holm Simonsen

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