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Education and competence

Education and competence are crucial for working life's innovation and competitiveness, the welfare state's sustainability, public opinion formation and democracy and are a basic premise for other societal development. The portfolio covers research and innovation about and for the entire education sector from kindergarten and school to higher education, competence-building and working life.

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Overall plans Education and competence (in Norwegian only)

The portfolio board

The Portfolio Board shall provide strategic advice on research and innovation within Education and competence, and decide on the allocation of research funds to achieve the user goals and societal goals set for the portfolio.

The members are:

Oddrun Samdal, University of Bergen, Bergen, Chair
Rita Asplund, Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, Finland
Ulf Dalvad Berthelsen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Kari Kolbjørnsen Bjerke, Bærum municipality, Bærum
Sigrun Ertesvåg, University of Stavanger, Stavanger
Torberg Falch, NTNU, Trondheim
Vibeke Grøver, University of Oslo, Oslo
Janne O. Jonsson, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, UK
Kyrre Lekve, Simula Research Laboratory, Bærum
Torjer A. Olsen, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
Astrid Kristin Moen Sund, Union of Education Norway, Oslo
Peter Wesenberg, self-employed, Oslo


Kari Tonhild Aune

    Velferd og utdanning

Messages at time of print 13 February 2025, 17:16 CET

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