Frequently asked questions about economic and legal topics

This page provides answers to frequently asked questions from Horizon Europe applicants, both during the application phase and during project implementation.

This page is under construction. See the Norwegian webpage (click "Norsk" in the top meny) for the complete FAQ.

Gender Equality Plans (GEP) requirements


The European Commission is introducing Gender Equality Plan (GEP) as a new eligibility criterion at the organisational level for applicants and partners in Horizon Europe calls. This applies to calls with a deadline in 2022 or later. The requirements do not apply to the business sector, special interest organisations or the non-profit sector.

The requirements apply to organisations whose project proposals are approved for funding. This means that they must have drawn up a GEP when they sign the Grant Agreement.

If several institutions are involved in a Collaborative Project, all the organisations that receive funding must satisfy the requirement. If one of the participants does not satisfy the GEP requirement, the entire project funding may be withdrawn for all the participants.

What are the requirements?

The organisation’s GEP must satisfy the following four requirements:

  1. Publication: a formal document published on the institution’s website and signed by the top management.
  2. Dedicated resources: commitment of resources and expertise in gender equality to implement the plan.
  3. Data collection and monitoring: sex/gender disaggregated data on personnel (and students, for the establishments concerned) and annual reporting based on indicators.
  4. Training: awareness raising/training on gender equality and unconscious gender biases for staff and decision-makers.

Content-wise, The European Commission recommends including more target areas in the GEP, on top of the compulsory requirements.

Recommended target areas:

  • organisational culture and the balance between work and private life
  • gender balance in management and decision-making
  • gender balance in recruitment and career development
  • integration of a gender perspective in research and teaching content
  • measures against gender-based violence and sexual harassment

Who do the requirements apply to?

The requirements apply to:

  • public bodies, including ministries, research funding institutions, municipalities, and county authorities
  • research institutes, both public and private
  • higher education and research institutions; universities and university colleges, both public and private

The requirements apply to organisations in EU Member States and associated countries like Norway.

Who do the requirements NOT apply to?

The requirements do not apply to private for-profit organisations, including SMEs, non-governmental or civil society organisations. Institutions from non-associated third countries are not affected.

For more information about legal entities in Horizon Europe, see the EU Rules for Legal Entity Validation (pdf).

When do the requirements apply?

The requirements apply to all calls with a deadline in 2022 or later. The requirements must be satisfied when the Grant Agreement is signed.

Where can I find more information?

See the EU information page on the GEP requirements.

Messages at time of print 19 April 2024, 00:45 CEST

Important message

For the application deadline 24 April, we manage our hotline +47 22 03 72 00 Monday 22 April and Thursday 23 April at CEST 08.00–15.45 and Wednesday 24 April at CEST 08.00-13.00.