See Result

Health Pilot

Update 15 November 2023: We expect to publish which applications will be awarded funding in February 2024.

Important dates

02 Aug 2023

Date call is made active

13 Sep 2023

Application submission deadline

February 2024

Expected date for funding decision

01 Jan 2024

Earliest permitted project start

15 Aug 2024

Latest permitted project start

14 Aug 2028

Latest permitted project completion

Important dates


Through the Health Pilot initiative, we will finance innovation processes that can increase sustainability in health and care services and stimulate value creation in Norwegian trade and industry, cf. Report No 18 to the Storting (2018–2019) The health industry – working together on value creation and better services. The innovation processes must be based on the needs of patients, citizens or the public health services.

About the results of the application assessment process

Total amount sought
871 000 000
Amount awarded
80 000 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
349558 ELOTEC ASKontaktløs, kontinuerlig og automatisk overvåkning av pusteaktivitet Helse20 000 00001.02.2024
349515 HELSE FØRDE HFNorse Impact – Continuous digital care in mental healthHelse20 000 00001.02.2024
349494KRISTIANSAND KOMMUNEHelsehjelppiloten: Støtte til egenomsorg og nødvendig kontakt med helsevesenet Helse20 000 00001.02.2024
349522NORDLANDSSYKEHUSET HFShareIT - Samarbeidsmodell og arbeidsverktøy for en effektiv og bedre hverdag for helsepersonell og økt sikkerhet for pasienteneHelse20 000 00001.02.2024

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