See Result

Research Centre for Tax Policy Research

Important dates

10 Aug 2022

Date call is made active

21 Sep 2022

Application submission deadline

01 Jan 2023

Earliest permitted project start

01 Apr 2023

Latest permitted project start

31 Mar 2028

Latest permitted project completion

Important dates


The purpose of the call is to generate knowledge about tax policy and economics and contribute to building a robust tax policy research environment in Norway by establishing two centres for tax policy research. Both new and established centres can apply for funding through this call.

The call’s academic goals are that research at the centre(s) shall:

  • trigger economic research (theoretical and empirical) on tax of high international quality
  • produce results of relevance to the formation of Norwegian tax policy
  • develop knowledge about how taxes are perceived and complied with
  • provide input to the development of methods and instruments in the tax administration

Funding is available for the five-year period 2023–2027. The centre can include or draw on research resources from several other institutions and expert environments.

About the results of the application assessment process

Total amount sought
NOK 90 000 000
Amount awarded
NOK 60 000 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
341289Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitetSkattforsk - Centre for Tax ResearchSkatteøkonomisk forskningNOK 30 000 00009.12.2022
341250Universitetet i OsloNorwegian Fiscal Studies - A Centre for Research in Public FinanceSkatteøkonomisk forskningNOK 30 000 00009.12.2022

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