See Result

Pre-project for Health Pilot

Important dates

01 Jan 2023

Earliest permitted project start

01 Mar 2023

Latest permitted project start

31 Aug 2023

Latest permitted project completion

Important dates

Last updates

17 Jun 2022

The application submission deadline is exposed from 8 September to 8 November. 


Health Pilot is a scheme intended to support ambitious and complex innovation processes. The purpose of the funding is to give public sector bodies and businesses the opportunity to establish innovation processes based on the needs of patients, citizens or the public health services. Through binding collaborations, public and private sector actors will develop innovative solutions together with users that would not be possible for any one institution to pursue alone. The solutions must help to increase the sustainability of health and care services and target a national and international market.  

This call for proposals concerns pre-projects that can lay the ground for main projects. The goal of the pre-projects is to develop a main project that is aligned with the objectives and needs of partners and users. The pre-projects must also identify or clarify needs and map future possibilities for implementation.

You can apply for a pre-project up to and including 8 November 2022. All applications will be processed together after the deadline has expired.

About the call for proposals

Through the Health Pilot, we will finance innovation processes that can increase sustainability in health and care services and value creation in Norwegian trade and industry, cf. Report No 18 to the Storting (2018–2019) The health industry – working together on value creation and better services. The innovation processes must be based on the needs of patients, citizens or the public health services.

Through binding collaborations, public and private sector actors will develop beneficial solutions that reach patients and citizens quicker and, at the same time, strengthen growth in new and existing businesses.

This call for proposals concerns pre-projects that can lay the ground for main projects. The tentative deadline for the call for proposals for main projects is autumn 2023.

Applicants are not required to have conducted a pre-project with funding from the Research Council in order to apply for a main project.

What characterises a Health Pilot project?

A Health Pilot project must

  • be based on recognised and specific needs in the specialist health services and/or municipal health and care services that are either related to the patients/citizens or the services themselves
  • be an ambitious innovation process with a high likelihood of future implementation and scaling of services at the national and international level
  • entail collaboration between more than one participant across the public, private and, if relevant, voluntary sector that expediently addresses the user perspective

A Health Pilot project must

  • include R&D activities that help to develop innovative technologies, processes, products or services that meet identified and clarified needs
  • include R&D activities that help to ensure that these solutions can be implemented, commercialised and scaled after or in parallel with the R&D project
  • have the potential to generate quantifiable benefits in both the public and private sector

To achieve the Health Pilot goals, it is important that the pre-projects

  • ensure broad user involvement and needs assessment in the early phases of the project development so that the developed solutions align with the needs of patients, citizens, the services and society at large
  • ensure that collaboration is well established and aligned between relevant project participants from the public sector, the business sector, research organisations, user organisations, the voluntary sector or other relevant stakeholders
  • ensure that the conditions that must be met in order for the public body(ies) to implement the innovation are mapped, including any need for e.g. organisational and system-oriented changes
  • enable the assessment of how, if relevant, a procurement can take place

What must the pre-project achieve?  

The pre-project should result in answers that can be used as a basis for applying for a main project. In the course of the pre-project, you must find out:

  • the needs and challenges the main project should target, preferably based on early user involvement and needs assessments
  • what goals and ambitions the main project should have and how the project can help to solve the challenges and meet the needs
  • who will participate in the main project, with a description of roles and responsibility for all parties involved, including users and other stakeholders
  • how the potential for value creation and any potential benefits from the project can be realised and how it can help to achieve the Health Pilot objectives
  • how the main project can be implemented and what is required in terms of resources and budget
  • what you must do and who you should involve in the main project to ensure that the innovations developed by the project can be implemented and procured
  • how a main project can exploit existing research and innovation infrastructure (for example catapult centres or national research infrastructures)

 The Norwegian-language call for proposals is the legally binding version.

Who is eligible to apply?

The following enterprises can apply for pre-project funding:

  • public sector bodies that are registered with a business register number in Norway. See the definition of a public sector body.
  • companies that have been issued a business register number under the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises and carry out economic activity in Norway. Sole proprietorships are not eligible to apply.
  • approved research organisations See the list of approved Norwegian research organisations.
  • patient organisations, user organisations, cluster organisations, industry organisations and TTOs that have a Norwegian business register number

Please note that only Norwegian public sector bodies that represent the health services (including municipalities) and companies with a Norwegian business register number may apply for a main project. Research organisations, user organisations, clusters, TTOs etc. are not eligible to apply for a main project.

Who can participate in the project?

Requirements for collaboration

The project constellation must comprise the following at minimum:

  • a business that is registered under the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises and carries out economic activity in Norway or an amalgamation of businesses represented by e.g. an industry cluster or a special interest organisation, and
  • a public enterprise representing the health and care services in Norway (including municipalities)

If the Project Owner is a patient organisation, user organisation or research organisation, we require the participation of at least one relevant business/amalgamation of businesses and at least one public enterprise representing the health and care services, as described above.

We would like relevant public and societal actors or user organisations to be involved as partners.

Other actual or potential partners must be listed in the project description using the designated template which is available for download at the end of the call.

Requirements relating to project managers

There are no formal requirements of the project manager’s qualifications, but he or she must be employed by the Project Owner or one of the partners.

What can you seek funding for?

You can apply for funding to cover the actual costs necessary to carry out the pre-project. The Project Owner is to obtain information about costs from each project partner. These costs are to be entered in the cost plan under the relevant category.

Pre-project funds can be used to cover the following costs:

  • The Project Owner’s and registered partners’ payroll and indirect costs
  • other operating expenses, including for advisory services and similar services that exclusively apply to the project

You will find detailed and important information about what to enter in the project budget on our website.

Calculation of funding

You can apply for funding of up to 100 per cent of the budgeted project costs. You can apply for NOK 100,000–250,000 per pre-project.  

Conditions for funding

Projects must commence between 8 November 2022 and 1 March 2022 and you can apply for funding from the Research Council for 2023. The latest permitted completion date for the project is 31 August 2023.

The project group  will sign a simplified contract with the Research Council. We disburse the funding in arrears after the final report has been approved, and only actual expenses entered in the organisation’s accounts will be covered. All reporting takes place electronically.

Undertakings (companies that engage in economic activities) will receive the funding as de minimis aid. This means that an undertaking may receive maximum EUR 200,000 in de minimis aid over a period of three years. Before the disbursement of de minimis aid, we will request written confirmation and an overview of all other de minimis aid the undertaking has received during the three last fiscal years. For undertakings that are part of a group of companies, the maximum limit generally applies to the group as a whole. For more information on de minimis aid, see the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013. Read more about de minimis aid.

Priorities for this call

The call is open to all projects that aim to meet clear needs in the specialist health services and/or municipal health and care services that are either related to the patients/citizens or the services themselves. The needs must be based on a specific clarification of needs and a broad range of stakeholders should be involved in this process. We are looking for projects that aim to develop innovations that target identified needs while also contributing to sustainability in the health services and society at large, as well as value creation.

By sustainability in the health services we mean that the health services should be able to offer safe, equitable and adapted high-quality services to all citizens also in future, without increasing the overall burden on the services or society.

By innovation we mean new or significantly improved solutions, services, processes, forms of organisation or marketing models that are implemented to achieve value creation and benefits to society. For the projects to contribute to value creation in Norwegian business and industry, the solutions that are developed should have a market both in Norway and abroad.

Through dialogue with the actors prior to the call, we have come up with some examples of challenges that Health Pilot projects may wish to target:

  • Digital and decentralised health follow-up: Innovations for digital and decentralised diagnostics, treatment (including clinical trials) and rehabilitation, as well as new solutions for digital interaction between patients and the health service, including self-service solutions.
  • Cooperation between services: Innovations for cooperation between different parts of the health, care and welfare services that meet the needs of patients, citizens and next of kin in a safe and equitable manner.
  • Health literacy and self-management: Innovations that increase citizens’, patients’ and next of kin’s knowledge and competence regarding their own health, prevention and management of disease, with the spotlight on mental health.
  • Health data: Innovations for secure and efficient collection, storage and sharing of health data that will be used to offer better and more efficient diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation, and contribute to safe high-quality services.
  • A robust health sector: Innovations that help to ensure that the health sector is able to meet current and future challenges including improved preparedness and creating conditions that are more conducive to handling crises such as epidemics and refugee flows etc. This can include innovations that can increase self-sufficiency in relation to medication, vaccines, diagnostics and medical equipment.  

Other challenges based on specific needs may also be relevant to Health Pilot projects.

Contact persons


Place of work


Phone number

Ina Dahlsveen

Research Council of Norway 

(+47) 40922299

Tine Thorbjørnsen

Research Council of Norway

(+47) 41611585

Pernille Thingstad

KSF, Central Norway region

(+47) 95761041

Marit S. Bratlie

Central Norway RHA

(+47) 90727296

Francis Odeh

KSF, Northern Norway region

(+47) 95155539

Sture Pettersen

Northern Norway RHA

(+47) 91703299

Cille Haglans Sevild

KSF, Western Norway region

(+47) 51508014

Lena Forgaard

Western Norway RHA

(+47) 48124019

Elisabeth Holen-Rabbersvik

KSF, Southern Norway region

(+47) 93248992

Christian Skattum

Oslo University Hospital

(+47) 40000920

Otto Christian Dahl 


(+47) 98643249


Relevant thematic areas for this call


Health, care and welfare services

Practical information

Requirements for this application type

Applications must be created and submitted via My RCN Web. The application and all attachments must be written in Norwegian or English. This call has an open-ended deadline. A unique grant application may therefore only be submitted once (whereas calls with a fixed deadline may be submitted and resubmitted multiple times up to the submission deadline). It is nonetheless possible to create a new application, e.g., by submitting a copy of the one you have already submitted and thus submit a new version by the deadline.

  • The application form must be completed in full and the budgets must be formulated correctly.
  • All appendices must be in the correct template and in PDF format. You can download all templates at the bottom of the page.

Mandatory attachments

  • project description (maximum 3 pages)
  • project manager’s CV (maximum 4 pages)
  • self-declaration form for de minimis aid

Applications that do not meet the requirements listed above will be rejected. All attachments must be submitted together with the application. We will not accept attachments submitted after the deadline for applications unless we have requested further information.

We will not assess documents and websites linked to in the application, or other attachments than those specified above. There is no technical validation of the content of the attachments you upload, so please make sure that you upload the correct file for the selected type of attachment.

Assessment criteria

We will assess the applications on the basis of the following questions:

  • To what extent is the project aligned with the purpose of the Pilot Health scheme and the priorities set out in the call?
  • To what extent is or will the project be based on the actual needs of patients, citizens, the services and/or society?
  • To what extent will the project be planned and implemented as an effective collaboration between public and private sector actors and include partners from several levels of the health, care and/or welfare services?
  • To what extent is the project planning to have actual user involvement and user participation in all phases of the project?
  • To what extent does the project seem realistic and feasible, scientifically, organisationally and in relation to planned use of resources?

We will prioritise projects with female project managers when the applications are otherwise considered to be on a par.

Administrative procedures

All applications will be assessed together after 8 November. The applications will undergo administrative review by the Research Council supported by the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) represented by the organisation’s strategic research agency (KSF), the regional health authorities, Siva and Innovation Norway.

We expect to publish which applications have been awarded funding around 15 December 2022.

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