See Result

Centre for Nuclear Research

Important dates

05 Oct 2022

Date call is made active

16 Nov 2022

Application submission deadline

First half of February

Applicants may fact check the panel assessments

End of March

Expected announcement of funding decision

01 Apr 2023

Earliest permitted project start

01 Sep 2023

Latest permitted project start

31 Aug 2031

Latest permitted project completion

Important dates

Last updates

20 Oct 2022

We have specified the information about funding of payroll and indirect expenses related to researcher time.


The purpose of this call is to strengthen Norway’s research capacity and competence in the nuclear field through long-term investments in nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry research.

About the results of the application assessment process

Total amount sought
199 997 000
Amount awarded
199 997 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
341985Fysisk institutt, Universitetet i OsloNorwegian Nuclear Research CenterSenter for nukleær forskning199 997 0003.4.2023

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