See Result

Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector 2021

Important dates


Period 1

Applications submitted from 4 January to mid-April, with a funding decision between mid-May and the end of June.


Period 2

Applications submitted between mid-April and mid-September, with a funding decision between the end of October and mid-December. 

Important dates


An Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector is a funding instrument that provides grants to business-led innovation projects that make extensive use of research and development (R&D) activities. The Innovation Project is to lead to renewal and sustainable value creation for the project’s business partners. Funding should also generate socioeconomic benefits by making new knowledge and solutions available.

About the results of the application assessment process

Total amount sought
NOK 2 580 426 000
Amount awarded
NOK 731 392 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
332110ELKEM ASA TECHNOLOGY KRISTIANSANDH2Si - Silicon Production from Quartz and HydrogenN/AN/A07.12.2021
332308ENERIN ASRask innfrysing av fisk ved ultralave temperaturer, med lavt energiforbruk, ved bruk av ny kuldeteknologiN/AN/A07.12.2021
332081BEYONDER ASUpscaling of Super Activated Carbone (SAC) from laboratory scale (500 g/batch) to prototype scale (5-10 kg/batch)N/AN/A07.12.2021
332227YARA INTERNATIONAL ASA AVD PORSGRUNNHighly efficient combined production of green hydrogen and chemicalsN/AN/A07.12.2021
332277TioTech ASTitania Anodes for Sustainable, High-Power BatteriesN/AN/A07.12.2021
332287Cenate ASCOULOMBUS: Silisiumanoder med høy Coulombisk effektivitet for neste generasjon Li-ion-batterierN/AN/A07.12.2021
332279NEL ASAOptimization of Nickel usage for corrosion protection and efficiency gains in high performance hydrogen producing electrolyzers.N/AN/A07.12.2021
332080HYPERTHERMICS ASNew hyperthermophilic organisms to increase biogas productionN/AN/A07.12.2021
332178HYSTAR ASAutostack – Optimised and automated Norwegian production of low cost, high efficiency PEM electrolysersN/AN/A07.12.2021
332136YARA MARINE TECHNOLOGIES ASAMmoniA Zero Emission abateMENT (AMAZEMENT)N/AN/A07.12.2021
332314NEL ASAH2ACCELERATE - Fast-tracking advanced PEM electrolysis materials and monitoringN/AN/A07.12.2021
332323AGDER ENERGI NETT ASSimuleringstjeneste for elektrifisering - DataArenaN/AN/A07.12.2021
332325NEXANS NORWAY AS HOVEDKONTORConnect- Floating Offshore WindN/AN/A07.12.2021
332354REN ASRisikobasert fornyelsesplanlegging av kraftledningerN/AN/A07.12.2021
331676STATKRAFT ENERGI ASInnovative monitoring and modelling of loads and damage processes on embankment damsN/AN/A07.12.2021
332261REC Solar Norway ASRecycled kerf for mono silicon feedstockN/AN/A07.12.2021
332149REELWELL ASGeothermal Energy - Horizontal Closed Loop SystemN/AN/A07.12.2021
332198OVER EASY SOLAR ASVertical.Solar by Over Easy: Overcoming challenges for vertically mounted bifacial solar panels in different climatic conditionsN/AN/A07.12.2021
331908Hyper EnergyIPN2022_RotoReformer. Compact, rotating reformer converting natural gas and water to hydrogen and liquid CO2N/AN/A07.12.2021
332165Nemo Maritime ASIntervallbasert injeksjon av store mengder CO2N/AN/A07.12.2021
332391DOSCON AS Hybrid Sensors for Safe Drinking Water N/AN/A09.12.2021
332280Nordovo Biosciences AS  Automated Production of Tissue-Engineered Vein Grafts N/AN/A09.12.2021
332148CORTICALIS AS New, ultra-efficient, non-antibiotic gel for clinical decontaminations of ailing bone anchored implants N/AN/A09.12.2021
331591PACERTOOL AS Precision medicine at the heart of heart failure therapy N/AN/A09.12.2021
332366CRAYONANO AS UVC LEDs based on nanowires-on-graphene N/AN/A09.12.2021
332265NORBAIT ASNorbait CrustaceanN/AN/A09.12.2021
332286TAU TECH ASPresiSkjell - Bærekraftig presisjonsfiske av haneskjellN/AN/A09.12.2021
327148UNDER RESTAURANT ASKonsept for levendelagring av flere arterN/AN/A09.12.2021
327771FORSØLJENTA AS Verdiskaping av små kongekrabbe gjennom målrettet fangst, levendelagring og oppfôring i merder i sjøN/AN/A09.12.2021
332161EWOS AS OmegaTrout – Optimizing the use of omega-3 for the production of robust rainbow troutN/AN/A09.12.2021
332349MOWI GENETICS ASEconomic impact of genomic selection on reducing treatments for sea lice infestation in Atlantic salmon aquacultureN/AN/A09.12.2021
332312BENCHMARK ANIMAL HEALTH NORWAY ASNovel vaccines against tenacibaculosis and mouth rot.N/AN/A09.12.2021
332298KRISTIAN GERHARD JEBSEN SKIPSREDERI ASRoute optimization integrating low-carbon technologiesN/AN/A09.12.2021
332369ARCTIC COATING ASGREEn Norwegian LubricANt proDuctionN/AN/A09.12.2021
332374WILHELMSEN SHIPS SERVICE ASDisrupting and Adding Value to maritime supply chains by using Additively Manufactured Spare partsN/AN/A09.12.2021
330474ELECTRICAL SUBSEA & DRILLING ASOpen Water Drilling – Well & System, modelling and analysisN/AN/A10.12.2021
332335ZEG POWER ASSystem & tech. development enabling large-scale clean hydrogen and power prod. by the ZEG ICC™ technology, including offshore applicationsN/AN/A10.12.2021
332086DYNAMIC WELL SOLUTIONS ASDynavac Separator – A sustainable and responsible system to handle offshore drilling wasteN/AN/A10.12.2021
332271ANIMALIA ASEyeAM! - Digital transformation of meat inspectionN/AN/A10.12.2021
332151GRAMINOR ASHow high can we get? High-yielding and winter hardy perennial ryegrass cultivars for higher latitudesN/AN/A10.12.2021
332249ENERGONX ASEnergon Arktiske Feltrasjoner - et innovativt og bærekraftig næringsprodukt tilpasset militære og sivile marked.N/AN/A10.12.2021
332444NORTURA SAFirst generation of animal derived hydrolysates meeting sensory conditions and consumers’ demandN/AN/A10.12.2021
332390AGROSENSE ASFILIMA – The smart farmers' solution for more sustainable and effective Field Lifecycle ManagementN/AN/A10.12.2021
332304BAMA GRUPPEN ASVekst-i-vekst – Bærekraftig vekst i norsk veksthusproduksjonN/AN/A10.12.2021
332130NORSVIN R&D ASBreeding for better cardiovascular and respiratory function of pigs - “A heart for pigs”N/AN/A10.12.2021
332243FLOWFOOD ASNovel production method for boosting texture and binding of Nordic plant-based meat [PlantBoost]N/AN/A10.12.2021
332248GREENCAP SOLUTIONS ASEnergieffektivisering av fangst og utnyttelse av grønn CO2N/AN/A10.12.2021
331662NORGES BIRØKTERLAGBærekraftig birøkt og bevaring av ville pollinerende insekterN/AN/A10.12.2021
332310RANHEIM PAPER & BOARD ASEcosatX - Innovativt produkt for eksteriørlaminat basert på resirkulerte råvarerN/AN/A10.12.2021
328147GLENCORE NIKKELVERK ASHyperspektral imaging for produkt- og prosesskontroll av basemetall-elektrolyseN/AN/A15.12.2021
332139MNEMONIC ASDelautomatisering av digital risikostyringN/AN/A15.12.2021
332144NOAH ASAskepott - Utnyttelse av verdiskapingspotensialet i flyveaske og avfallssyreN/AN/A15.12.2021
332152NORNER ASHULK - The Ultrastrong Green PE FiberN/AN/A15.12.2021
332166SOLGT.NO ASDecision support system for professional real-estate price estimationN/AN/A15.12.2021
332168QUANTAFUEL ASAChemical Recycling of Plastic WastesN/AN/A15.12.2021
332188REQ CAPITAL ASREQ Cultural Index ModelN/AN/A15.12.2021
332230PRE DIAGNOSTICS ASNew blood test for diagnosing early stage Parkinson's DiseaseN/AN/A15.12.2021
332239WENAAS WORKWEAR ASLighten the load by optimized occupational footwearN/AN/A15.12.2021
332241AKER SOLUTIONS ASMot fremtidens bærekraftige betongkonstruksjoner i marine miljøerN/AN/A15.12.2021
332266MOBAI ASSALT - Secure privacy preserving Authentication using faciaL biometrics to proTect your identityN/AN/A15.12.2021
332268ASAP-NORWAY ASSmartLaken for tilstandsovervåkning av pasienterN/AN/A15.12.2021
332270ØSTLANDSKE LETTMETALL ASResirkulert aluminium for Marine ApplikasjonerN/AN/A15.12.2021
332273SMARTFISH ASRemune™-Complete - Nytt fullverdig næringsmiddel til spesielle medisinske formål til pasienter med kreft kakeksiN/AN/A15.12.2021
332274KRISTIANSAND DYREPARK ASAIM: AI-drevet MultiformatuniversN/AN/A15.12.2021
332299THEFACTORY ASAn AI Tool to Assess, Track, and Predict Early-Stage Startup ImpactN/AN/A15.12.2021
332316FOODBACK ASLAUNCH: Data-driven insights to boost the success rate and lifetime of retail food and beverage productsN/AN/A15.12.20.21
332319DIPS ASUNITY - pasientens digitale veiviserN/AN/A15.12.2021
332336SKIPLUKKERN ASSKidx: Plattform for klassifisering og karakterisering av skiegenskaper til langrennsskiN/AN/A15.12.2021
332371AIDEE HEALTH AS(IPN) Hypersension 2.0N/AN/A15.12.2021
332411Targovax ASADevelopment of targeted therapies for mutant RAS cancersN/AN/A15.12.2021
332416ALGIPHARMA ASTargeting Alginates to Resistant and Recurrent Infections: Generating Eradication Therapies (TARRGET)N/AN/A15.12.2021
332449AS B'ZEOSAlgiPack: Alginate-based films for packagingN/AN/A15.12.2021
332455SERAM COATINGS ASA new pilot reactor for producing metal bound SiC microparticles for the thermal spray marketN/AN/A15.12.2021

Messages at time of print 19 September 2024, 12:30 CEST

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