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Examples of projects we have supported

kvinne holder en kylling

The chicken feed of the future is insects and short-distance raw materials

Norsk Kylling has halved the soy content in its feed from 19 to 10 percent in five years by replacing soy with rapeseed and sunflower. In the future, they will test both flour beetles and flies in the feed. The results can result in both healthier chickens and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Published
  • 15 January 2025

The chicken feed of the future is insects and short-distance raw materials

  • Published
  • 15 January 2025

Norsk Kylling has halved the soy content in its feed from 19 to 10 percent in five years by replacing soy with rapeseed and sunflower. In the future, they will test both flour beetles and flies in the feed. The results can result in both healthier chickens and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

forskere som graver i isen i Antarktis, et fly i bakgrunnen, blå himmel

The ice is melting faster, what is happening now in Antarctica?

The rapid melting of ice in Antarctica is causing sea levels to rise globally, which in turn affects almost the entire world's population living along the coast. New observations and sea ice shelf models from Norwegian scientists provide us with better information about the melting of the ice, so that we can prepare for climate change.

  • Published
  • 2 January 2025

The ice is melting faster, what is happening now in Antarctica?

  • Published
  • 2 January 2025

The rapid melting of ice in Antarctica is causing sea levels to rise globally, which in turn affects almost the entire world's population living along the coast. New observations and sea ice shelf models from Norwegian scientists provide us with better information about the melting of the ice, so that we can prepare for climate change.

en hånd holder i en ladekabel til en bil vi ser i bakgrunnen og skal til å lade bilen

Electric car charging is now easier than ever

With support from the Research Council of Norway, Fount has developed a new charging solution that makes better use of existing charging infrastructure. This will simplify everyday life for electric cars and contribute to greener transport.

  • Published
  • 12 December 2024

Electric car charging is now easier than ever

  • Published
  • 12 December 2024

With support from the Research Council of Norway, Fount has developed a new charging solution that makes better use of existing charging infrastructure. This will simplify everyday life for electric cars and contribute to greener transport.

fire eldre damer og en eldre mann sitter med ark og synger

Music and reading for a better life with dementia

We know that music can evoke emotions and memories. The research project HOMESIDE has given us new knowledge about how music and reading can be used to create a better everyday life for people living at home who live with dementia.

  • Published
  • 14 November 2024

Music and reading for a better life with dementia

  • Published
  • 14 November 2024

We know that music can evoke emotions and memories. The research project HOMESIDE has given us new knowledge about how music and reading can be used to create a better everyday life for people living at home who live with dementia.

en kvinne og to menn driver med feltarbeid i en skog , der har ulike måleapparat med seg, og vi ser et japansk skilt i bakgrunnen

Researching radioactivity for a safer society

Increased global interest in nuclear power as an alternative to fossil fuels, along with concerns about nuclear safety in conflict situations, has made research on radioactivity more important than ever.

  • Published
  • 31 October 2024

Researching radioactivity for a safer society

  • Published
  • 31 October 2024

Increased global interest in nuclear power as an alternative to fossil fuels, along with concerns about nuclear safety in conflict situations, has made research on radioactivity more important than ever.

et gammelt bilde av en fattig russisk familie

Where did the girl children go in ancient Europe?

Even today, there are societies where women and girls are seen as less valuable than men. This often leads to discrimination such as unequal pay for equal work and to domestic violence. The research project "Missing Girls" explores gender discrimination in European history. The goal is to put in place measures that can improve the situation in today's developing countries.

  • Published
  • 22 October 2024

Where did the girl children go in ancient Europe?

  • Published
  • 22 October 2024

Even today, there are societies where women and girls are seen as less valuable than men. This often leads to discrimination such as unequal pay for equal work and to domestic violence. The research project "Missing Girls" explores gender discrimination in European history. The goal is to put in place measures that can improve the situation in today's developing countries.

Research can provide us with a more robust and equitable health system

Could education be the key to fighting child mortality? Research shows that the level of education of parents has a powerful impact on children's health. The Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research (CHAIN) uncovers surprising findings about social inequality and global health.

  • Published
  • 22 October 2024

Research can provide us with a more robust and equitable health system

  • Published
  • 22 October 2024

Could education be the key to fighting child mortality? Research shows that the level of education of parents has a powerful impact on children's health. The Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research (CHAIN) uncovers surprising findings about social inequality and global health.

Åpning av utstillingen "Na, maid dál? på alta museum, vi ser fem kvinner i samiske klær se på en skjerm ved siden av montre med samiske klær og gjenstander

Research project rediscovered Sea Sami identity in Altafjord

In the heart of Altafjord, a research project has brought a forgotten cultural heritage to life. The project "Restoration of Sami cultural heritage – what happens locally?" has given the local community a new understanding of its own history and identity.

  • Published
  • 22 October 2024

Research project rediscovered Sea Sami identity in Altafjord

  • Published
  • 22 October 2024

In the heart of Altafjord, a research project has brought a forgotten cultural heritage to life. The project "Restoration of Sami cultural heritage – what happens locally?" has given the local community a new understanding of its own history and identity.

Bildet viser smeltet metall som blir helt ned i en form.

Norwegian research project recycles rare metals

Norway is investing in green technology, but what happens when important materials are imported from countries such as South Africa, China and Russia? In the innovation project RecirkIrRu, researchers have worked with groundbreaking technology to recover iridium and ruthenium. The result is less need for mining, increased competitiveness for Norwegian industry and sustainable recycling of metals that are important for the green shift.

  • Published
  • 22 October 2024

Norwegian research project recycles rare metals

  • Published
  • 22 October 2024

Norway is investing in green technology, but what happens when important materials are imported from countries such as South Africa, China and Russia? In the innovation project RecirkIrRu, researchers have worked with groundbreaking technology to recover iridium and ruthenium. The result is less need for mining, increased competitiveness for Norwegian industry and sustainable recycling of metals that are important for the green shift.

Messages at time of print 11 February 2025, 16:22 CET

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