Contact SkatteFUNN

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    For general questions you can call us or send an email.

Regional representatives

The Research Council’s regional representatives live and work locally in the regions they serve and often provide knowledge and expertise to important strategy processes.

Building, construction and real estate

Cicilie Lykke Gartland

    Transport og maritim

Finance and banking - ICT industry

Bjørn Harald Pedersen

    Muliggjørende teknologier

Rune Foshaug

    Muliggjørende teknologier

Fisheries and aquaculture

Lars Hagbarth Andresen

    Hav og polar

The health industry

Jostein Holmgren

    Helse og offentlig sektor

Agriculture - Food industry

Maan Singh Sidhu

    Mat og bioøkonomi


Oil and gas

Halil Øzarpa

    Energi og energiomstilling


Erik Furseth

    Energi og energiomstilling

Processing and processing industry

Tourism - maritime

Oddvar Grim

    Transport og maritim

Transport and communications

Cicilie Lykke Gartland

    Transport og maritim

Manufacturing industry

Aud Julie Befring

    Industri og tjenestenæringer

Other services - Wholesale and retail trade

Camilla Grime

    Industri og tjenestenæringer

Forestry and use of wood

Rune Groven

    Mat og bioøkonomi

Media and culture

Messages at time of print 22 October 2024, 20:03 CEST

No global messages displayed at time of print.