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Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe (webinar)


No course fee, but registration is binding.

Registration deadline:

16. april kl 15:00


Live streaming

About the event

Horizon Europe has introduced a new funding mechanism for projects, called Lump Sum Funding. The course explains all you need to know about financing as applicant for Horizon Europe lump sum projects.

Horizon Europe uses lump sum funding to reduce administration and financial errors. Lump sums make the programme simpler by removing the need to report actual costs. This means easier access to the programme, especially for small organisations and newcomers, who often lack the experience and capacity to cope with the complex rules for actual costs.

Lump sums are defined up-front and fixed in the grant agreement. They are paid upon completion of the activities in work packages.

The course is delivered by Europa Media.

Our Horizon Europe seminars are distributed into 5 topics (A-E) on three knowledge levels (1-3)

Read more about the different courses.



08:45 – 09:00           Accessing the Online Meeting Room 

09:00 – 09:30          Event opening and introduction to the course             

09:30 – 10:15            Introduction to lump sum funding

  • Why the EC uses lump sum finding? Basic principles;
  • Lump sum topics in 2023;
  • Misunderstandings about lump sum;
  • Improvement since the pilot period;

(10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break)

10:30 – 11:30            Lump sum proposals: Hands-on tips for Part B and Budgeting

  • Proposal forms: proposal template and the detailed budget table; 
  • Work package distribution and timing of the work packages considering the payment system;
  • What to do with horizontal work packages? 
  • How to define and justify the lump sum amount? 
  • How to sufficiently estimate the cost for each cost category?  
  • Evaluation of lump sum proposal. 
  • Step-by-step introduction on how to use the lump sum budget table;
  • Small budget planning exercise with the participant on how to define units and how explain them;
  • Showcasing a real proposal;

(11:30 – 12:15 Lunch Break)

12:15 – 13:00            Project management and reporting of lump sum projects

  • Grant preparation of your lump sum projects – good to know! 
  • Tips to specify lump sum features in your Consortium Agreement; 
  • Changes in your lumps sum project implementation – How to amend your lump sum grant?  
  • How to report your lump sum project? Detailed introduction to the periodic reporting.  
  • How to deal with partially completed work packages? How to report deviations of your lump sum projects?  
  • Keeping records – list of docs you need, and you don’t need to keep;
  • Payment schedule – Partial payment;

13:00 – 13:30           Final Q&A and close of event    


Inger Nordgard

    Internasjonalt samarbeid

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