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B.2 - Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: Impact


NTNU i Ålesund, Ankeret, rom B228

Target group:

Level 2 (intermediate)


No course fee, but registration is binding. A fee on NOK 1000 is charged for no show, as well as cancellation later than the registration deadline. Only absence with medical sick leave certificate, court summons or military service are accepted as valid absences.

Registration deadline:

9. juni kl. 15.00

About the event

Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: Impact  – Level 2

The course gives an introduction to proposal development in Horizon Europe (work programmes, calls and topics, submission process etc, general principles and features of Horizon Europe proposals, different project types, and proposal preparation). During the course you will be guided through the process from idea to a proposal in a practical workshop exersize. The course aslo focuses on the expected impact, innovation and exploitation of project results, and also how to tailor an effective disseminate and communication plan to maximise the potential impact of your Horizon Europe project.

The course language is English, and the course is delivered by Europa Media.

Our Horizon Europe seminars are distributed into 5 topics (A-E) on three knowledge levels (1-3). Read more about the different courses.



08:00 –  8:30        Arrival and registration

08:30 –  08:45      Event opening and introduction to the course

08:45 – 10:00       Expected Impact in Horizon Europe Proposals

•    Impact in HE proposals – examples of different approaches to addressing the “Expected Impact” of your proposals, lessons learned from evaluations
•    Impact in RIAs, IAs and CSAs – how to position your innovation from RTD to market uptake, Dos and Don’ts
•    Impact indicators and Impact assessment methodologies
•    Barriers to achieving the Expected Impact – Types of barriers

(10:00 – 10:15 Coffee break)

10:15 – 11:00      Impact, Innovation and Exploitation in Horizon Europe proposals

•    How to identify and select the best exploitation, IP and innovation strategy to maximise the potential impact of your HE project
•    Business plans, market uptake strategies
•    Exploitation and sustainability – examples of project and partner level approaches and routes
•    Pre-proposal and proposal-stage agreements and tools for consortia 

(11:00 – 11:15 Coffee break)

11:15 – 12:00    Dissemination & Communication in Horizon Europe proposals

•    How to tailor an effective dissemination and communication plan to maximise the potential impact of your HE project
•    Tools, measures, strategies and channels to reach your target group and communicate the right message in the right way
•    Requirements of the EC, legal obligations according to the HE GA
•    Knowledge management, Open Access, Open Data
•    Dissemination and communication under Ethics and IPR issues

(12:00 – 12:45 Lunch break)

12:45 – 15:00     Proposal Development Workshop: Impact  

•    How the project will contribute to each of the expected “outcomes” mentioned in the call
•    How to address impacts mentioned in the work programme 
•    How to choose appropriate indicators and barriers

Proposal Development Workshop: Exploitation  

•    Exploitable results and the potential exploitation strategies – how to transform this into a “plan”
•    Mapping potential end-users and IP protection considerations

15:00            Wrap-up and end of the course


Inger Nordgard

    Internasjonalt samarbeid

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