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The second Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership (SBEP) Joint Transnational Co-Funded Call

Unified Paths to a ClimateNeutral, Sustainable, and Resilient Blue Economy: Engaging Civil Society, Academia, Policy, and Industry

Get ready for the second Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership (SBEP) Joint Transnational Co-Funded Call (2024): Unified Paths to a ClimateNeutral, Sustainable, and Resilient Blue Economy: Engaging Civil Society, Academia, Policy, and Industry.

This EU Partnership aims to boost the transformation needed towards a climate-neutral, sustainable, productive, and competitive blue economy by 2030 while creating and supporting the conditions for a sustainable ocean for the people by 2050. This second SBEP Co-funded call aims to support transnational research and innovation projects addressing one of the 4 priority areas below: 

  • Digital Twins of the Ocean (DTOs) at regional sub basin scale  
  • Blue economy sectors, development of marine multi-use infrastructures
  • Planning and managing sea-uses at the regional level
  • Blue Bioresources 

In this second call applicants from eligible Norwegian institutions can apply to the three following priority areas:

  • Digital Twins of the Ocean (DTOs) at regional sub basin scale 
  • Planning and managing sea-uses at the regional level
  • Blue Bioresources 

Norway is participating in the call with 3 million euros. 

Looking for a partner or a project to join? Use the SBEP Partner Search Tool available here. 

Brokerage event: A brokerage event will be oranised from 25 February to 8 March, see more here.

Informative Webinar: A general information webinar was organised on the 15 February (14H00-16H30 CET) to answer your questions regarding the call. You can view the slides here and see the recording here.

See more about the call, general and national eligibility criteria here.

Messages at time of print 13 February 2025, 17:31 CET

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