See Result

Researcher Project for Technological Convergence Related to Enabling Technologies

Important dates

05 Oct 2022

Date call is made active

16 Nov 2022

Application submission deadline

01 Jul 2023

Earliest permitted project start

01 Jul 2024

Latest permitted project start

30 Jun 2030

Latest permitted project completion

Important dates

Last updates

05 Oct 2022

A new and amended template for project description is added to the call. Be sure to download the latest version of the template. In addition, changes have been made to the call for proposals on the following points: the assessment criteria and the text for the administrative procedures has been published.


The objective of the call is to achieve radical new technological development across the enabling technologies. Examples of enabling technologies are biotechnology, ICT and nanotechnology. 

A total of up to NOK 115 million is available, distributed between two calls for proposals; the call you are currently reading and the call for Collaborative Project for Technological Convergence related to Enabling Technologies.

About the results of the application assessment process

Total amount sought
1 804 700 000
Amount awarded
227 707 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
342255NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITETEnabling natural photonics through genetic manipulation of diatoms Muliggjørende teknologier14 999 00016.06.2023
342167UNIVERSITETET I AGDERSecureIoTM: Ultra-low-energy IoT Intrusion Detection Systems using Logic-based Tsetlin Machines Muliggjørende teknologier15 000 00016.06.2023
342109NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITETSelf-healing lithium-ion batteries enabled by fiber/nano optic sensing and convergent data-driven analytics Muliggjørende teknologier14 991 00016.06.2023
341989UNIVERSITETET I OSLOLUBRIBOT: A sustainable soft robot facilitating non-contact adhesion and directed locomotion by vibration induced lubrication flow Muliggjørende teknologier14 999 00016.06.2023
342132HØGSKOLEN I ØSTFOLD FREDRIKSTAD Tunable and Durable Seawater Adhesives Muliggjørende teknologier14 295 00016.06.2023
342073NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITETSuper Selective Separators for Battery Applications Muliggjørende teknologier14 999 00016.06.2023
331821NTNUSpin-based Intermittent ComputerMuliggjørende teknologier19 134 0004.5.2023
331736STIFTINGA VESTLANDSFORSKINGViolence-inducing Behaviour Prevention in Social-Cyber Space of Local CommunitiesMuliggjørende teknologier19 319 0004.5.2023
332004Institutt for medisinske basalfag-UiOWireless Neuroprobe-On-A-ChipMuliggjørende teknologier20 000 0004.5.2023
331912Norsk senter for molekylærmedisin (NCMM)-UiOCRISPR-Cas9 corrected T cells for personalized therapyMuliggjørende teknologier19 996 000
331967Kjemisk institutt-UiBIntegrated Catalyst Discovery for BiotechnologyMuliggjørende teknologier19 958 000 4.5.2023
331890UNIVERSITETET I OSLOAB-AG-DESIGN: Rule-guided antibody and antigen designMuliggjørende teknologier20 000 0004.5.2023
331725UNIVERSITETET I BERGENNew technologies for target discovery in neuropsychiatric disordersMuliggjørende teknologier20 000 0004.5.2023

Messages at time of print 24 October 2024, 02:09 CEST

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