

Energi21 - Summary 2022

OG21 - Report on Low-emission Technologies

OG21 - A new chapter

Oil and gas for the 21st century

Raising energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions

An analysis of publicly funded petroleum research 2018-2021


An evaluation of the Scientific Basis of the Traffic Light System for Norwegian Salmonid Aquaculture

Artificial intelligence and gender equality

A review of Norwegian research

Digitalisation of the energy sector

Recommendations for research and innovation

Evaluation of KLIMAFORSK

Evaluation report INFRASTRUCTURE

Evaluation of the INFRASTRUKTUR initiative as a funding instrument

How should we share research data?

Report and recommendations relating to licensing and making research data available

Midterm Evaluation of the Nansen Legacy project

Midway Evaluation of eight Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research

New Priorities for Global Health Research

2021– Portfolio for Global Development and International Relations


Empowering ideas for a better world

Strategy for the Research Council of Norway 2020 – 2024

Evaluation of the Norwegian Centre of Excellence (SFF) Funding Scheme

Impact cases

Evaluation of the Norwegian Centres of Excellence (SFF) Funding Scheme

Report from the evaluation committee (2020)

Evaluation of the Norwegian Centres of Excellence (SFF) Funding Scheme

Self-Assessment report from the Research Council of Norway

Mid -term evaluation of eleven research schools

Midterm assessment of the second phase of the Centers for Public Economics



Kompetansemegling i FORREGION – teoretisk fundament og veier fremover

The UN Decade of Ocean Science

Proposed priority areas for Norway


Attachment to the work programme - ENERGIX In effect from 2018

Large-scale programme Energy Research - ENERGIX

Barriers and opportunities for Norwegian participation in the European Research Council (ERC)

Survey report

Bibliometric analysis and career mapping of the SFF scheme

Sub-report II to the SFF evaluation panel

Evaluation of UNINETT Sigma2

Evaluation STIM-EU and PES2020

Impact evaluation of the Research Council of Norway’s main measures to support Norwegian participation, PES2020 and STIM-EU

Impacts of the SFF scheme on the Norwegian research system

Sub-report I to the SFF evaluation panel

Midway evaluation of 17 Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI-III)

Evaluation, Science and the Research System

Norwegian industry-related R&I policy agencies, measures and beneficiaries

A mapping conducted as a part of the study on “Raising the ambitionlevel in Norwegian research and innovation policy”

Norwegian polar research, High North research and research in Svalbard

Policy for gender balance and gender perspectives in research and innovation

Raising the Ambition Level in Norwegian Innovation Policy

Final Report

Recommendations & measures to improve gender balance in academia

Review of INTPART results 2015-18: A Survey and Portfolio Analysis

INTPART - International Partnerships for Excellent Education, Research and Innovation

Science & Technology Indicators for Norway 2019


Nullpunktanalyse av Kapasitetsløftprosjektene i FORREGION


Mobilisering, kapasitetsløft og dialog


Bedrifters møte med kompetansemegling i FORREGION

The FRAM – High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment

Evaluation Report

Work programme - DEMOS 2017–202

Programme on Democratic and Effective Governance, Planning and Public Administration - DEMOS

Work Programme - ENERGIX In effect from 2018

Large-scale programme Energy Research - ENERGIX

Work programme - KULMEDIA2019–2023

Research Programme on the Culture and Media Sector - KULMEDIA

Work programme - NORGLOBAL2

Work Programme - SAMKUL

In effect from 2018

Work Programme – FORNY2020 revidert 2019

Work Programme 2018–UTENRIKS-revidert 2019

Work Programme and ENERGIX

Work programme BIOTEK2021

Work programme for the MAROFF programme revised 2019

Work programme HAVBRUK

Applicable from 2019

Work programme HAVBRUK - revidert 2019

Work programme KLIMAFORSK 2018 oppdatert

Work programme NANO2021


Energi21 - Strategy 2018

Strategy 2018

Evaluation of Norwegian education research

Report from the international expert committee Final Report 22 February 2018

Evaluation of the national research school scheme

Evaluation of the Scheme for Research-based Innovation (SFI)

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL)

Report from the Principal Evaluation Committee

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Impact Cases

Impact Cases

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Panel 1

Report from Panel 1 – Geography

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Panel 2

Report from Panel 2 – Economics

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Panel 3

Report from Panel 3 – Political Science

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Panel 4

Report from Panel 4 – Sociology

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Panel 5

Report from Panel 5 – Social Anthropology

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Panel 6

Report from Panel 6 – Economic-Administrative Research Area

Ex-post evaluation of research programme on Latin America

Learning and teaching with technology in higher education

A systematic Review

Norwegian Roadmap for Research Infrastructure 2018

National Financing Initiative for Research Infrastructure (INFRASTRUKTUR)

Open Access to Research Data - Revised 2017

Revised 2017

Raising energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions

An analysis of publicly funded petroleum research 2015–2018

Research for Sustainable Societal and industrial Development

The Research Council of Norway's strategy for sustainability 2017-2020

Research on international relations, foreign policy and Norwegian interests

Knowledge base for research and innovation policy

Work plan The Norwegian Programme for Research Cooperation with India - INDNOR 2018 - 2021

Work programme - BIA

In effect from 2018

Work Programme - BIONÆR

Applicable from 2018

Work programme - BIOTEK2021 2018-

In effect from 2018

Work Programme - FORNY2020 2018-

Work programme - HAVBRUK Applicable from 2018

Work programme - KLIMAFORSK 2018-

Work programme - MARINFORSK Applicable from 2018

Work programme - NANO2021 Applicable from 2018

Nanotechnology, Microtechnology and Advanced Materials (NANO2021)

Work programme - POLARPROG from 2018

Polar Research Programme – POLARPROG

Work programme - SAMRISK 2018 -2027

Research Programme on Societal Security and Safety - SAMRISK

Work Programme - TRANPORT2025 In effect from 2018

The Transport 2025 programme

Work Programme - UTENRIKS 2018–

Protect, survive, and thrive. Norway, interdependence, and international relations in a changing world


Evaluation - Norwegian Polar Research

An evaluation

Evaluation - Simula Research Laboratory

An evaluation 2016/2017

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway

Report from the Principal Evaluation Committee

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Impact Cases

Impact Cases

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 1

Report from Panel 1 – Aesthetic Studies

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 2

Report from Panel 2 – Nordic Languages and Linguistics

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 3

Report from Panel 3 – Nordic and Comparative Literature

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 4

Report from Panel 4 – Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Area Studies

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 5

Report from Panel 5 – Archaeology, History and Cultural Studies

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 6

Report from Panel 6 – Philosophy and Studies in Science and Technology

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 7

Report from Panel 7 – Religion and Theology

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 8

Report from Panel 8 – Media Studies

Evaluation of the Norwegian Social Science Research Institutes

Principal report

Evaluation of the RCN’s BIOTEK2021 programme

Final report

Evaluation of the RCN’s NANO2021 programme

Final report

Evaluation Report Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research

Final report - BIOBANK 2012-2016

Programme on Human Biobanks and Health Data - BIOBANK

Final report 2008-2017

Follow-up Plan for the Evaluation of Basic and Long-Term Research within Engineering Science in Norway

Report from the Follow-Up Committee on Recommended Actions

Midterm evaluation of research centres for petroleum activities

Research Centres for petroleum – PETROSENTER

Midterm evaluation of ten National Research Schools

Report submitted by the evaluation panel

Midterm Evaluation of thirteen Centres of Excellence (SFF-III)

Report on Science and Technology Indicators for Norway 2016


Research for Sustainable Societal and Industrial Development

The Research Council of Norway's Strategy for Sustainability, 2017-2020

Strategy for innovation in the public sector

The Centres of Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)

June 2017

Tracing the impacts of development research funded by the Research Council of Norway

Pathways to global impact

User survey and impact assessment of the Norwegian social science institutes

Work programme - BEDREHELSE 2017-

Research Programme on Better Health and Quality of Life BEDREHELSE

Work Programme - BEHANDLING 2017 -

High-quality and Reliable Diagnostics, Treatment and Rehabilitation BEHANDLING

Work programme - FINNUT 2014 - 2023

Revised 2017, September

Work Programme - GLOBVAC 2012 - 2020

(2017 - second revision)

Work Programme - HELSEVEL 2017 - updated 2019

Large-scale ProgrammesHealth, care and welfare services research HELSEVEL

Work programme - MAROFF

Maritime Activities and Offshore Operations – MAROFF

Work programme - NORGLOBAL2 2017 - 2024

Norway - Global partner NORGLOBAL 2

Work programme - NORUSS 2017-2023

The High North and Russia - NORRUSS Pluss


Mid-term external review of the first Programme for Global Health and Vaccination Research (GLOBVAC1)

Global Health and Vaccination Research - GLOBVAC

Messages at time of print 22 October 2024, 20:03 CEST

No global messages displayed at time of print.