
The petroleum industry is the largest of the maritime industries, measured in value creation, investments, export value and revenue for the state, and contributes jobs across the country. Research and technology development are important to ensure continued value creation from the sector, to develop the sector in a sustainable direction and to contribute to competence and solutions from the sector being applied into new industries.

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Overall plans for Petroleum (in Norwegian only)

Raising energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions

In the period 2018 and 2021, The Research Council has funded 137 new projects in petroleum research, both in research communities and to trade and industry, which will contribute to energy efficiency and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. They meet both technology that can be implemented quickly, and long-term research aimed at the 2050 goals.

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The portfolio board

The portfolio board shall provide strategic advice on research and innovation within Petroleum, and decide on the allocation of research funds to achieve the user goals and societal goals set for the portfolio.

The members are:

Per Gerhard Grini, Equinor, Trondheim, Chair
Martin Foss, Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), Skjedsmo
Alfred Hanssen, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
Arvid Østhus, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, Stavanger
Hege Kverneland, Desert Control, Sandnes
Runar Rugtvedt, Federation of Norwegian Industries – Oil and Gas, Oslo
Taran Thune, University of Oslo, Norway
Charlotte Skourup, ABB Group, Oslo
Eirik Sønneland, Validé, Stavanger
Jorunn Elise Tharaldsen, Petroleum Safety Authority Norway, Stavanger
Malin Torsæter, SINTEF, Trondheim


Ingrid Anne Munz

    Energi og energiomstilling

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