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Energy, transport and low emissions

The portfolio for Energy, transport and low emissions works to ensure that the energy and transport sectors deliver sustainable, smart and secure solutions, technologies and services, that cities and urban regions are inclusive, adaptable and attractive to live in and that we as citizens and social actors take climate and environmentally friendly choices that reduce pressure on biodiversity.

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Overall plans for Energy, transport and low missions (in Norwegian only)

The portfolio board

The portfolio board shall provide strategic advice on research and innovation within Energy, transport and low emissions, and decide on the allocation of research funds to achieve the user goals and societal goals set for the portfolio.

The members are:

Hans Erik Vatne, Hydro, Oslo, Chair
Ole Andreas Hagen, PostNord, Oslo
Ingeborg Palm Helland, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Trondheim
Johan Hustad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
Kristin Linnerud, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Sogndal
Nils Røkke, SINTEF, Trondheim
Erik Sauar, Cenate, Askim
Anne Vera Skrivarhaug, Longyearbyen local council, Svalbard
Elisabeth Maråk Støle, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Bergen
Henriette Undrum, Equinor, Trondheim
Ragnhild Wahl, Norwegian Railway Directorate, Trondheim


Katrine Wyller

    Energi og energiomstilling

Messages at time of print 9 February 2025, 15:15 CET

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