72 projects received funding through the Arctic Field Grant 2021 allocation.

AFG received 89 applications this year. 72 projects to a sum of 4,99 million NOK were completely or partly funded. Again, this year, the majority of the applications were of high quality.

All applications were evaluated administratively by a panel of experts, all of whom have 10-30 years of field experience in Svalbard in relevant scientific fields. The applications were evaluated based on the criteria and priorities in the call for proposals and the terms and conditions established by AFG.

All funded projects are listed in the attachment and will also receive a mail in the coming days. If your project is not in the list, you did not receive funding. As the grant is administered administratively individual grades or feedback is not distributed. If your project is listed as funded, you have received full funding (to the nearest whole 1000 NOK) and can spend the funds according to your budget. If your project is listed as partly funded, you will receive less than the amount you applied for, for most projects these are minor adjustments to comply with the AFG terms and conditions. In this case, you will receive a mail in January listing the details. The contracts will be sent out in January 2021.

Most of the projects that were not funded were due to errors in the application, missing or incomplete attachments or because questions in the call for proposals were not answered. The detailed description of the benefits of the cooperation to the Norwegian host institution and fieldwork plan were missing or inadequate in some applications. We therefor urge all applicants who plan to reapply next year to read through the call thoroughly, answer the questions and especially follow the HowTOs and guidelines to better their chances of receiving funding.

Remember that it is mandatory to apply for project changes in advance through MyRCN if you need to make changes to your budget or project. If you have to cancel the project, please let us know immediately as the funding can be redistributed to a project on the waiting list.

The reporting deadline for AFG 2022 is 1st of November 2022. It is your responsibility as a grant holder to ensure that the necessary reports are delivered on time. SSF has the authority to recall the grant if requirements are not met.

Best of wishes for the upcoming field season.

Link to list of funded projects here.

Messages at time of print 25 October 2024, 17:46 CEST

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