
ERA-NET BlueBio Cofund Second Additional Call

ERA-NET BlueBio Cofund announces approximately EUR 8 million in resource management, and market and socio-economic aspects of the blue bioeconomy value chain.

This call aims to facilitate research and innovation to underpin sustainable and circular management and use of natural resources in the Blue bio Economy sector. This will encompass an integrated food systems approach to ensure ecosystem integrity and resilience. The call will also address market and socioeconomic aspects of the value chain to foster solutions to issues of production and consumption of safe and healthy food and bio-based products (food and nutrition security).

Call Presentation and Brokerage Event

On June 15 BlueBio Cofund will arrange an online call presentation and part 1 of a Brokerage event for potential collaboration partners. Click here see our recordings from the online event.

Read the call for proposals

Read more about the call for proposals on the BlueBio Cofund website or go directly to the call.

Contact ERA-NET BlueBio Cofund

Inderjit Singh Marjara

    Mat og bioøkonomi

Christian Wexels Riser

    Hav og polar

Kjell Emil Naas

    Banebrytende forskning

Read more about the call for proposals on the BlueBio Cofund website.

The call for proposals has been approved as an aid scheme by the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) with the reference: GBER 59/2022/R&D&I. 

Messages at time of print 20 April 2024, 06:22 CEST

Important message

For the application deadline 24 April, we manage our hotline +47 22 03 72 00 Monday 22 April and Thursday 23 April at CEST 08.00–15.45 and Wednesday 24 April at CEST 08.00-13.00.